"Eternity Love"

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First POV

Luckily, after taking the medicine and resting for a day, I was feeling as good as new. Haruka and Tomo bombarded me when they saw me the next day, happy that I was feeling good again. And hey, it was just in time for when we were about to head out for the summer camp. I was really excited. I'd get to see the ocean and do some swimming, but I also had to keep the whole partner thing in the back of my head. When we arrived at the island, all of us stood in front of the cottages that we'd be staying in as Ringo and Ryuya appeared in front of us, with Ryuya wearing a tropical shirt and some shorts, and Ringo wearing a yellow sundress with sunglasses and a sun hat.

"Now remember, the purpose of this summer camp is make a decision on the pairs for the graduation audition between the composer and idol course kids. This is the perfect chance to determine who your perfect partner will be," Ryuya explained with a smile.

Ringo smiled as well as he began talking.

"Everyone, make sure you interact with each other so you can seek out an appealing pair that will work for you. I pray that you all find your perfect match."

As I stood there listening, everyone around me began muttering on who they wanted to choose as their partner.

"Who are you going to choose?"

"I was thinking Jinguji."

"What?! No way! Don't you think he'll choose that (L/N) girl?"

I turned a little pink after I heard my name being said, but I didn't let it get to me. I found where Haruka was standing, and walked over to her with my bag and a smile. As soon as she and I caught up with each other, Tomo came over and jumped on us.

"You guys, I've decided!" She announced in excitement.

Haruka and I both looked at her in shock. That was quick.



She giggled at us and turned toward the crowd.

"Yeah, it's Yajima, the one I worked with on that last assignment. He makes some really fantastic tunes," she explained to us.

As she mentioned his name, a boy with glasses popped out of the crowd and began waving at us, with Tomo waving back. I smiled, happy that she had found her partner already. Which led me to start thinking, did Haruka have someone in mind? She hadn't really been talking about who she had wanted as her partner. She looked to Tomo with a smile.

"I'm happy for you, Tomo," she beamed.

"Hey, have you two decided?" She asked us.

I looked down in a comical gloom while Haruka smiled sheepishly as she rubbed my shoulder.

"Not yet..." we both muttered.

Tomo laughed at our actions as she looked to us again.

"Well, if you two don't decide soon, the person you want will be snatched away by someone else. Hey, Yajima! Let's meet up later!" Tomo called out to him as she dragged Haruka with her.

I giggled at my two goofy friends. As they walked off, I turned around and caught sight of Ichinose standing a little ways away from me. As soon as I saw him, my mind went back to what had happened between him and Haruka.


"I think, it's the same for me," I heard Haruka begin.

"The same?" 

"Um... For me, I wasn't able to play the piano all of a sudden. Even though I should've been able to, my fingers froze, and it was like my heart was froze as well. So, I think maybe, the same thing is happening to you, Ichinose," she explained.

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