Chapter 26

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"Young man, you need emergency surgery right now or else you will end up in a wheelchair," the doctor said.

Those words kept echoing in Natalie's mind.

"Jack... in a wheelchair?" she thought to herself.

Jack looked at her with a sad look on his face and agreed with the doctor.

The doctor left the room to give them a moment alone.


"I know..."

"Natalie, please call Bobby and my parents and let them know I'm going into surgery." Jack asked.

"Of course." she replied.

"Please also make sure that the public does not find out about this..." Jack said quietly.

"I will, Jack. Don't worry." Natalie replied.

They said a quick goodbye and Jack was wheeled off to the operation room.

"Mr. Kennedy, this is Natalie. Jack has gone into surgery." Natalie stated.

She had a quick chat with him, as well as Bobby and they were going to come to the hospital once he came out of surgery.

After a few hours, Jack was out of surgery.

"Mr. Kennedy open your eyes. " The surgeon tried waking Jack up yet he wouldn't- couldn't- open his eyes.

They wheeled him away once again, while Natalie stood in the room shocked by what had just happened.

She quickly called Jack's father and requested his presence at the hospital.

Natalie saw him walk in and just burst into tears. She'd never seen Jack so... poorly. And she'd never felt so hopeless.

"Everything will be alright, kiddo." Mr. Kennedy said.

Although he was always calm, Mr. Kennedy's eyes were frantic. He'd already lost two children and Jack was close to death twice in his life.

"Kennedys don't die in hospitals. They're much too dull for our tastes." Mr. Kennedy uttered.

Natalie knew Jack was much too stubborn to die on that day, but she still couldn't bear even the thought of losing him. Although she "wasn't in love with him" she still cared about him deeply.

The surgeon interrupted Natalie's thoughts with dreadful information,

"There is an infection in his central nervous system. I'm afraid he's slipped into a coma."

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