Birthday Gift (Luca x Alberto x Reader)

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This isn't gonna be romantic, this is more of a heartwarming fanfic.

This was a request by Sandrastar1

Today is your birthday!!

(If it isn't, Happy Unbirthday!! ^·^ )

and Luca and Alberto wants to make the biggest gift you ever have by them.


It is almost your birthday, apparently non of your friends from school remembered.

You don't even call them friends.

When you came back home from school, you noticed a little flyer from your door step. It reads.

To the birthday girl,

please come back until 3:30pm, and you shall enter!

Love, mom


You sighed and decided to go see your two closest friends which are the two famous sea monsters.

You grabbed your bag and went over to their tree house they made, indeed you could hear their voiced coming up from there.

You climbed up the steps and popped your head inside.

"Hey guys."

The two boys turned their heads down at you and they given you the biggest smile.

"Y/n! Your back!" Luca got up and runs to you, giving you a big hug.

You gently gave the small one a hug, you truly see him as a little brother you never had.

"Welcome back star fish" Alberto smirked and joined in the hug.

Yes that's your nickname.

You all let go from the group hug, you let out a gentle sigh, you still have happiness in you, but fade back to sadness.

"What's the matter Y/n? Why are you sad?" Luca asked in worrisome.

"Was it Ercole again? Ill beat him up for you!" The oldest said aggressively, getting overprotective.

You chuckled from their silliness around you.

"No...well. Today is my birthday one from my school wouldn't want to come to my party..." You explained to them and they frowned just seeing you depressed.

Luca looks up at Alberto and back to you.

"Aren't we invited?" He asked.

Well sad to say, you have a very overprotective father who doesn't like to allow boys in your house because he'll think they would hurt you.

You know the sea monsters would never do that to you.

They loved you as a sister.

"I wish...but my dad doesn't allow boys..." You said.

That's what gave the two boys a great idea.

"Well...if we can't go, why not we make you a gift!" Luca said straight up.

Alberto nods and stood up as well "yeah! We'll make you the biggest gift made by your true friends!"

They looked down at you with their adorable big smiles.

"Aww guys you don't have to-"

"No! We mean it Y/n. We will work real hard on this gift, we fill it with love...hard work...trustingly....and...." Alberto tries to think of other words.

Luca/Alberto x Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now