Hey Brother Pt. 2 (Alberto x Little Sister Reader)

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This is a backstory!

I may not be too good because we only got a bit of details of Alberto's backstory about his father leaving...

This is my opinion on "Bruno" Scorfano, and why he chose to leave his children... yes...I'll call him Bruno for a reason.

(No it's not our handsome Rat King) in my
Opinion, he has the same facial features and body like Alberto's, but a bit more muscular,  However except for the hair and eyes which matches his mothers.


This may get pretty sad...prepare to cry soon...


(Alberto's Pov)

I went to grab some blankets for me and my sister for the upstairs where the anchovies are out above us into the big blue!

We even get a good glimpse of the big glowing fish that's also out!

I head up to the balcony and saw my sister laying down, all cuddled up in a cute ball.

I placed the soft blanket over her so that she'll feel more comfy.

"Mmm...thanks brother..." she mumbled a bit...

I laid next to her, getting myself situated, while looking up at the anchovies.

"There's so many tasty anchovies." She said, letting out a soft yawn.

True...it's making me hungry...

"Yeah...I bet one day, we'll get to swim with one of them, we can eat as much as we want." I turned to look at her, hearing her giggle from the thought.

"That'll be so cool." Then she comes a little close to me, nuzzling on my chest for extra closer...It warms my heart to see her happy...it's all I wanna do for her...It's a big task for me until we die...

*sighs* why did you have to leave us here...?

When will you come back....?

~~ 7 Years Ago ~~

A few humans on boats began throwing harpoons at a certain creature they spotted underwater...

It's the middle of the night, capturing those red eyes trying to swim away from the sharp weapons...

"Gah!" Suddenly...he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder...feeling like passing out at any moment...blood spread around the waters...knowing the sharks would get the scent...meaning he has to get out of here before he gets eaten...

However...he couldn't hold onto himself...instead...he looked down at his two children who are looking up at him with curiosity...not sure what's going on with their surroundings...

"Daddy? Are you okay?" 7 year old Alberto asked, hugging his baby sister, looking a bit worried.

Bruno looked up to see the boats floating away...cheering would be heard from above, believing they killed him...

"D-daddy's okay son..." He answered while giving them a big hug.

"When will we go back home?" Little Y/n asked, having trouble with her speech impediment.

That's when Bruno froze...knowing what truly happened back at their old home...is the reason they left as soon as possible...

He tries to think up a lie to his adoring handlings. He kneeled to their height, taking a deep breath.

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