Your Not That Dangerous (Luca x Hunter's Daughter Reader)

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Requested by: @Anthony1290

Luca was minding his business taking care of the goatfish. Until he stumbled a human on a surface.To his surprise he discovered something about the girl.

Luca is 13 in a half and You are 14


"AHHH!!! Fish out of the barn again!!" Luca grunt while collecting all of the goatfish back in place.

It only took him a few minutes have every fish back in place, even counting the babies.

"Alright, stick behind me! You guys need to stop spreading around the's a big issue..." So the troop swam out to the open fields and the same area where Luca is on guard.

"If anyone needs me, I'll be sitting right always." So he just lays on the rock while looking bored as ever.

Not sure what to do except blowing bubbles and doodle some sketches on a rock, that's how bored being a fish shepherd could be...I mean if they can make it fun for themselves.

Luca continues to draw on the rock, until he spotted something falling down from the looked like a odd shaped thing...he decides to check it out for himself. He swam over to where the item sunk, picking it up to see that this thing has writing stuff was a book!

Where did this book come from...? How did it sink under the sea?

That is when he spotted a small boat over him...he began to panic knowing it's a land monster who'll kill him...

However...he heard a soft voice coming from the land sounded like a girls sweet and soothing...almost young...
So he swam up to a big rock to hide behind and takes a look at the land his big was indeed a girl.

She looked worried and a little sad...

"This was a bad idea to read at sea..." the girl said to herself. He thought that this book may have belonged to her.

Luca also felt a little calm, seeing that she's not too scary looking...she looked somewhat pretty. Smooth skin, no scales at all, soft looking land hair and rosey cheeks.

He took a deep breath and maybe give it back to her without being too scared...

So he dived back down into the water and swam under the boat, tucking his tail in so she wouldn't see.

Then he heard her talk to herself again.

"My librarian is gonna be so mad at me...I guess I'll have to tell them it's overdue or I lost least I'm being truthful..."

The girl looked down, getting ready to head back to land but suddenly saw a scaley hand poking out of the water...seeing her book which made her freaked out...but also relieved.

"Mamma Mia! My book!" She grabbed it and hugged it close to her chest.

She saw the hand going back down, but she felt curious what did it or who brought it up here just for her to have back.

"Scusami...I don't know what you are...but I just wanted to say grazie. It means a lot to me and if only I know what you look I could thank you in person..."

Luca heard it all...hiding under the boat...maybe the girl didn't sound too he took another deep and popped his head out from the water, looking up at the girl with those big hazel eyes of his.

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