First Kiss (Alberto x Reader)

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Technically you teach Alberto what a kiss is and how to do it.

This maybe a short one but it'll still be cute.

There will be some uhh...a squeeze of orange but it's silly >w> anyways! It's great to be back. UwU

"So anyways, I accidentally dropped the net and almost gave Ercole a heart attack."

Alberto goes on and on about working as a fisherman, where your all snuggled up in a blanket, sipping your hot cocoa, listening to his shenanigans which calms you down. He was like your close friend, but he considers you as a girlfriend. It makes you blush from the thought of it, almost like the both of you are dating.

He started to calm down with a small chuckle, almost into a nervous tone.

"And then all of a sudden...while I was finishing up with work for today. I saw a man walking up to a woman which was waiting, and they...swapped mouths with each other?" He scratched the back of his head, knowing you tried not to laugh, knowing what he meant and it's so cute that he doesn't know what kissing means.

"Alberto, you mean kissing?" You giggled and then he raised an eyebrow.

"What's kissing?" He asked.

You looked down meaning you have to explain this sweet fish boy.

"Well...a kiss is a touch of the lips, showing a sign of love and desire for each other, it resembles how you feel for the person you are attracted you, who you enjoy being with, and..." you froze due to thinking about how you and Alberto are very close and got along for the past few months.

"And?" He waited while scooting himself a little closer to you.

"The person you love spending time with." You finished and this brightened Alberto's green eyes.

"Wow! That sounds amazing!"

Just the way his expression made you blush from just how adorable he is.

"Can we try?" He asked looking down at you, almost coming close to you.

That's when your heart begin to race...your first kiss with your dear friend! And also teaching him!

"O-okay." You answered and he starts to cheer.

"Sweet! How do we do it?" You gulped and tried not to feel too shy or at least freak out.

"We'll..first we look into each other's eyes."

Alberto raised an eyebrow and starred into your eyes. Pretty much a starring contest. It looks funny but a little creepy.

"Not like that Alberto, watch me."

You begin to gaze into his stunning green eyes, watching his pupils slowly grew big where he's watching where your eyes is looking into. They begin to soften and tilts his head a bit to the light.

"Then what?" He asked.

"W-we lean forward." You said softly while stuttering.

So the both of you slowly leaned forward, continuing to gaze into each other's eyes, you looked down to his lips, noticing they look a bit chapped.

"Then what happens?" Alberto whispered which made your cheeks flush red.

"W-We press our lips together...follow me." You lean near him and gently brushed your lips against his but that's when you felt a tongue around your lips which made you squeak...

"Alberto! Not like that!" You spit a bit which Alberto covered his face.

"I'm so sorry!! Am I in trouble?!" He starts freaking out but you calmed him down by holding his hands.

"It's okay calm's okay. L-let's try again, just no tongue."

Alberto still doesn't understand, but this time he won't mess up.

You two lean back to each other and press your lips together, where Alberto gently brushed his over yours, coming more closer.

You wrapped your arms around his neck while he pulls you into his arms.

The kiss you shared was sweet and passionate.

You wanted to pull away for air...technically Alberto is still kissing.

You tried to break free but he's stopping you from doing so.

Looks like he likes this kissing.

You let out a little moan meaning you need some air.

But finally he pulled away, where you pant softly, looking into his eyes where he shows that adorable loving face to you...only you. The person you enjoy being with...the person that makes you happy...the person who you are attracted to...the person you wanna be with for as long as you two last...

"Y/n..." He said your name softly where you two went back to kissing, you also taught him kisses on the forehead, cheeks, nose, hand, however...he accidentally kissed your shoulder which became his favorite.

Look out for Alberto's sweet shoulder kisses. He'd be preying up to you like a great white shark.


This was fun to write! ^^

There will be more Luca One Shots!! Have a good day lil beans!

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