My hero (Alberto x Super Hero Reader)

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Requested by PurpleGal777

This was a late one, I want to apologize, but this is for you lil bean!

Alberto was being picked on by Ercole but was saved by a girl who somehow has a super power!

Here's your little backstory.

Your super power is telekinesis, which is a very special power...your parents are very protective over it ever since you were born...keeping you calm and stress levels down, ever since a few incidents that happened which made it infamous...

Alberto is 16 and you are 15.


A little bit of violence but there's a happy ending. This is a Pixar Marvel Crossover.

(Alberto's POV)

Another day working at sea! This time I'm on my own without Massimo!

On my 16th birthday, he bought me my very own boat and fishing equipment! It was totally awesome!!

So it's my first day fishing with my own stuff!

Tartar Sauce! I forgot my harpoon!

I rushed back to go grab my harpoon which was back inside.

After grabbing it...I stumbled across a girl bumping into me...dropping our stuff to the ground...

"Mamma Mia...I am so sorry sir...h-here..let me help you.." the girl sounded nervous, almost like she's scared of me...

Am I that threatening to look at?

She held the harpoon up for me, giving me those eyes...

"Aww, we'll let me help you as well."

I picked up the little fish hooks back into a wooden box and handed it back to her.


Suddenly her face turned that a good thing?

"G-grazie uhh..-"

"Alberto Scorfano, Piacere!" I smirked down at her which she held the box close to her.

"Y/n L/n...Piacere di conoscerti anche tu."

She seems pretty nice! Unlike the other humans...

"Say, I know we just met, but I was wondering we could hang out later?" I asked her and her eyes widen.

Then she smiled softly. "S-sure Alberto!"

Woah! She actually said yes!

So we nodded and I went back to my boat while I spotted her handing the hooks to one of the fisherman.

What a sweet girl she truly is. I bet she's more sweeter when we talk more.

(Y/n's POV)

I couldn't believe someone wants to hang out with me....Hmm...I bet he really is a sweet guy when we hang out after wards.

But I'm scared if he'll think I'm a freak if he ever finds out...

I'll just try to stay calm and just think positive...

(3rd Persons PoV)

It's been a few hours later, Alberto caught a good chunk of fish to sell, he made it back to the deck and have Massimo carry the fish in the barrels, he said he'll handle them.

So it means he'll be able to see Y/n!

He searched for the sweet girl who's still around the deck, scraping off some fish on a desk.

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