Blood Thirsty (Alberto x Vampire Reader)

818 13 15

Requested by milakotova2

Alberto was sketching outside of the hideout, and encountered unexpected guest in his home.

⚠ Warning ⚠

Blood, biting, sucking, kissy and making out, bleh bleh bleh...

If you are grossed out on blood, this isn't your taste.

Also Alberto is 18. There's a good reason for it.

This story may sound spicy, but its a vampire. It shall be PG-13. Yes, I raise the pg rating.

Alberto's POV

Me and Machiavelli are outside in our hide out, drawing some ideas for Luca while he's in college with my sister Guilia.

I didn't care if it's getting dark, good thing I know how to turn on the lights.

I finished drawing about 3 sketches to send to my friend I even showed them to the chunky cat.

Massimo is out tonight with his pals, looks like I need to make myself some dinner.

We both head back inside and I made myself some food. I didn't explode anything this time.

I sat down on the table, watching some tv, basically a scary movie.

Im not a fan but they are fun to watch.

Right it was about to get scary, I heard a knock on my door.

I think its either Massimo or the mail man.
So I checked on the door and saw that its nether of them...

It was a very pale girl, with long black hair and red eyes. Even she's all covered up in a big black coat.

"H-hello sir...I am lost...I-I had no where to go in the night...may I come in?"

Her voice sounded soft and a bit Massimo taught me not to talk to strangers...but looking at her made me felt bad.

"Aww sure, come in, I'll make you some food."

I move to the side so that she could enter inside.

After closing the door, I make my way back to the kitchen "make yourself at-"

Right I was about to finish my sentence, she took off her coat and had such a revealing shirt...

It was getting distracting but I focused more on the food.

"So um. What's your name?" I asked for her name, and she comes closer to me, well across the table.

"Y/n..." She answered softly, then looking up at me...she has the biggest red eyes I've ever seen...there very pretty.

"Well um, Alberto Scorfano Marcovaldo." I introduced myself to her and she gave me a smirk.

"That's a lovely name for a man like you."

I flustered red on how her tone changed from shy to sexy.

Im trying to look for a word that's like sexy...its all I could think of...

"Well, here's some food I made you." I handed her the bowl and she freaked out, pulling it away.

"What's wrong?"

"I-is there garlic in it?" She asked me feeling scared.

"Are you allergic to it or something?"

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