Christmas Special 🎄

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This will be another preference but each will be a short one shot.

Have a very merry Christmas, and enjoy these adorable preferences! ^_^

Some of these will be aged up, but it's all gonna be cute and sweet! Christmas is meant to be joy and innocent!

Hope you have been very good this year! And felt safe during the rough time of Rona.

Anyways, let's all be happy and feel the positive!

Yes I'm doing this pretty early to give you all the spirit! Enjoy!! _____________________________________


You sat down near the fire that's warming up the living room.

You took a deep breath and heard footsteps coming from behind.

"Ciao Bella! I made some hot cocoa." You turned to see your boyfriend in a cozy green sweater holding a tray of steaming cocoa and a side of Christmas cookies.

"Aww Luca sweetie." He sat next to you, placing the tray between you two, you picked up a mug and took a little sip, tasting the sweet chocolate from the heavens.

"Did you save some cookies for the big guy?" You asked and Luca nodded.

"Hope there mighty tasty for him, what if we'll get to see him up close?" He was very curious about peeking Santa Claus putting down presents, you thought it was absolutely adorable.

"Well he doesn't wanna spoil the surprise for any of us sweetie. Santa is like a fairy, he can magically disappear whenever you try and see him."

Then Luca's eyes shine from a new discovery. You love teaching him new things about the holidays.

"Hmm, I bet we get lots of gifts." He took a sip of the cocoa and had on a little whipped cream mustache.

You giggled and lean in to kiss his cheek.

"We should head to bed soon." You request and he agrees.

"Your right."

— The Next Morning —

"Y/n! Wake up love! It's Christmas morning!" You heard Luca's voice awakening you.

You groaned, slowly sitting up, seeing his bright smile in front of your face, it's like looking at an angel prince.

So you two went to go brush your teeth and head downstairs to see so many presents under the tree.

"Woah!! There's a lot! Where to start first!!" Luca cheered in excitement then ran down to grab one.

But you had to stop him!

"Wait Luca!! Before you open one...I want you to open mine first." You blushed softly picking up a present behind the tree, which has your name written on it.

"Here you go."

He turns red and held it to his chest, he began to open it up and gasped.

It was non other than a globe, he's been wanting this since he went to school in Genova.

"You said you always wanted to travel, you can, you can see where you are and where you wanna go!" You fiddled your fingers and heard sniffling coming from him.

He's crying...

you began to panic but instead of sad sobbing, he gave you a big hug!

"Grazie Amore!! This is the best gift you've ever given me! I love you so very much!" He said out loud and you also began to cry.

Luca/Alberto x Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now