Be less Girly (Luca x Tomboy Reader)

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When Luca returned from school for winter break, until he sees his dear friend Alberto waiting for him by the train station, but he has someone by his side.


(Luca's POV)

I can't wait to celebrate Christmas! I never celebrated a holiday like this before! Im gonna show Alberto the snowflake we made back in school! He's gonna love it!!

Once the train stopped by Portorosso, I already see Alberto holding a sign up with a big drawing of him and me on it...but something is odd about him...

He has someone else helping with the sign holding... I couldn't tell if it's a girl or a boy...but I need to wait until the train stops, to take a closer look.

I got off the train and see Alberto running up to me.

"Luca! Welcome back!!" He said picking me up from the ground, spinning me around.

"Aww Ciao Alberto!" I hugged him tightly around his neck, until I saw that someone holding the sign walking up to us.

"Oh Luca! I would like for you to meet my new human friend!" He puts me down and I took a closer look to the person.

"Luca, this is Y/n, Y/n, this is Luca." Oh...sounds like a girly name. Maybe Y/n is a girl.

"Its nice to finally meet you Luca!" She shakes my hand and I did the same.

"Don't worry, she's really cool when you get to know her." Alberto stated and we walked over to the Marcovaldo's home, I even spotted Massimo heading out to fish with his cat.

Looks like this is gonna be a relaxing day back, I put down my bag and books on the table and Alberto and Y/n were chatting a bit...not sure what their saying, hopefully she isn't jealous...

(Alberto's POV)

"You were right Al...he really is cute." Y/n told me, seeing a tint of redness around her cheeks...

Yeah I've been telling her all about my little friend, developing a small crush on him, now that she's seen him in person, I could see hearts surrounding her forehead.

"D-do you think he'll like me if a little more girly?" She asked fiddling with her fingers.

Well Luca had a little thing for Giulia, possibly likes either.

"Don't try too hard sis, Luca doesn't care what you look like, he's a total sweetheart."
I told her and she smiled.

"Alright then..."

(3rd Person's POV)

Then Alberto pats her back and make their way to the table.

"Say, where's Giulia?" He asked and Luca scratched the back of his head. "She wants to celebrate Christmas with her mom." He answered while Alberto shrugged, as long as their cool with it.

"I was thinking we can all head out to see Christmas lights! It's very beau-I-I mean...pretty cool!" Y/n said, trying not to show her shy feminine side.

"Ooh! I've heard all about it! That sounds wonderful!" Luca cheered on about the fun event happening down town.

Y/n smiled and looked at the clock for the time. "Let's wait until dinner time, I'll see you guys back! Ciao!" She walked out of the house while it's just Luca and Alberto alone.

"I think she likes you..." The tall one whispered which made Luca blush. "W-what?!"

Alberto chuckled and playfully punched his arm "I'm just teasing man, but she does."

--A few hours later--

Luca and Alberto dressed all cozy due to the cold weather outside. Luca wore a dark green coat and a blue scarf wrapped around his neck, matching fuzzy blue mittens and a beanie hat.

Alberto had on a purple coat with both black scarf and mittens.

They were waiting for Y/n to come back and head on out to the lights festival.

Once she arrived, the two boys looked amazed in her appearance.

She wore a black leather jacket and a blue dress which was rare for Alberto to see her in.

"Wow Y/n, trying to look cute for us huh?~" the tall one teased and she punched him playfully on his arm.

"Shut up bro..." She blushed and they all head on outside to the festival.

It wasn't a long walk down, only 10 minutes away.

Y/n looked over at Luca looking like a fuzzy marshmallow, for her looking like a greaser...she tries not to stutter, listening to what Alberto said about Luca liking tough girls.

Once they entered the festival, they are surrounded by shining Christmas lights.

"Woah! Its so beautiful!" Luca said out loud, this is a time for Y/n to shine.

"Not as beautiful as you." She stated, then noticed a blush from his cheeks, it could've been the cold or she did make him blush...

So they continued walking down the lights, seeing in different forms, statues and famous pieces of Italian history.

What sparks Luca was a solar system piece, showing the lights shaped as each planet.

"Woah! This has to be my favorite one!" He leans against the wooden bars, getting a closer look.

Y/n comes to his side and leans against the bars. "Your into outer space?" She asked and he looked up at her.

"Yeah! It's so big and amazing! So much to explore, your nit even sure there are many other galaxies out there."

This is too precious for Y/n, all she wants to do is protect him at all times.

Then all of a sudden, she sees a mistletoe on top of them, this made her turn red. Even Alberto noticed it.

He gently shoves her close to Luca which made her trip a bit.

"S-sorry..." She said and see him looking up at the mistletoe, and was pretty curious what it means.

"Um Y/n...does it mean anything?" He asked and she gulped, she tries to act masculine.

"Oh, it means you have to kiss someone you like, its a thing." She said and hums at the end, leaning against the bar behind her.

Once she looks down, she felt cold lips peck her cheek...that's when her whole face turns red...

"I like you..." He said softly which you almost fainted but tried to stay calm...

"Are you okay?" Luca asked looking worried.

"Aww she's alright Luca, just nervous." Alberto said and pats her back.

"Let's get some hot chocolate!"

(Y/n's POV)

I'm so gonna kill Alberto after this...but in the fact that Luca likes means he likes me just the way I am...

Im in love already...

So we all went to get hot cocoa in the end, continue to walk around the festival, however I keep noticing Luca's face always flushes red whenever he looks at me...almost bashful looking...Im guessing he's interested in me.

"I think he loves you..~" Alberto whispers then makes kissy noises...

That's it...

"Im gonna kill you Alberto!!" I chased him down the road, while he laughs at me.

(Luca's POV)

She's so funny...^///w///^


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