Your Safe Now Part 2 (Guido x Cat Shifting Reader)

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We continue our journey where Guido saved you.

So you two went out shopping and suddenly, he began to have a soft spot towards you~


(Guido's POV)

After I guess...? You know what...

After adopting Y/n, things felt a little different for me...almost like taking care of a little sister...who shape shifts into a cute cat.

I wouldn't say I see her as a's just complicated for me right now...

Ever since Ercole went out on vacation to France, it's been peaceful without him!

So all I did for the past few days is taking care of Y/n, making her food, take her out for nice walks, going out to swim! We even lay by the fire while I pet her in her cat form.

It felt relaxing for me, it calms my nerves and stress level...

You know...even though it seems so sudden...I begin to actually like her...the more I know her...the more she fascinates me...

She's smart, kind, wise, and dare I say beautiful.

Today, I'm taking her shopping for some new clothes...She's been wearing my shirts for the past few weeks and I need them most of the time.

I've been saving up my soldi so that we can go out, also my mom helped me out, she knows about her too.

So I made my way over to Y/n who's suddenly in my dresser fondling with one of my shirts...

Not sure if she's tired of wearing them...? I guess in my opinion.

"Hey Y/n, you don't have to worry, cuz I'm taking you shopping." I said to her and she turned her head towards me.

"Really? I mean...y-you don't have to." She flushed red and swirls her tail around, which I have to admit is adorable.

Yeah I like it when she wore some of my clothes, but I want to see her look more cute and dare I off those curves.

"I want to, plus I'll let you pick them out!" I held her hand and we head on out to town, I know a good store that sells very pretty dresses and outfits that'll make Y/n look like a cute doll.

When we made it to the store, she already looks stunned, I hope that's a good thing...

(Y/n's Pov)

This place is so beautiful, it reminds me of a scene from a movie me and Guido watched...All the dresses looked so lovely and colorful. I can't tell what to choose!

"Feel free to look around, I'll be right behind you." Guido told me and I skimmed through the dresses and style.

Hmm...I do wanna impress him, in a way that...he could hold me close into his arms...

Ever since he saved me...I began to have a crush on him. The way he took care of me for the past 2 weeks...I'm feeling a strong bond between us.

I'll find a dress that'll make it come true.

So I went to look through a few dresses which will make Guido look flattered and somewhat attracted to me.

That's when I spotted a dress that looks like it'll be the one!

I pulled it out and walked over to the fitting room to go try it on.

Mamma Mia...this is the one!

Then I heard a knock on the door.

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