Sugar Crash..(Luca x Alberto x Reader)

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Requested by Sandrastar1

The boys had a sugar crash and you have to take care of them.

We've all had sugar crashes. Me every Halloween around...eating a crap tons of hershey and butterfingers. U.U

There is no romance, its just friends goofing off. 

You are Guilia's older cousin.

You finished watching the last episode of some tv show, pretty much relaxing from selling fish and help with the cleaning.

Until you began hearing some groans coming upstairs from Alberto's bedroom.

"They better not eat all of the sugar cookies...their gonna get it..." You said to yourself about the two trouble makers.

You got up from the couch and head upstairs and saw the two boys laying in bed, looking very ill and drained out.

Luca was groaning a bit on the bed, holding onto his stomach, like he's either needs to throw up or use the restroom.

Alberto however, looked like he's really needs to puke.

You looked at the place and saw an empty bag of candy covered in little wrappers and ripped up knew they are totally sugar crushed.

"Well no more sugar for you two." You said jokingly and then Alberto covered his mouth.

He got up quickly and heads to the bathroom, pretty much puking out the sugar.

Whoever gave them the candy...needs to be found and feed them to the sharks...

" more...but so gooood..." Luca said and grips his little muffin top in pain.

"Aww...your just nauseous sweetie, let me help you.." You said and went to grab two cups of water and saltine crackers.

Then you see Alberto coming back from the bathroom.

"Did you brush your teeth?" You asked the sick one.

The tall one sighed and went back to do so.

You giggled and handed Luca his water and saltines, which will help with the nausea.

"Don't eat the whole cracker, just nipple on it, like how a bunny eats it." You told the little one and he did just that, nibbles the cracker slowly and sips on the water down.

Luca was a fast learner which you were absolutely pleased and relief,

He's basically the kitten of the house, Alberto in the other hand is the puppy.

"I brushed my teeth mom." The green eyed called you that nickname, you sighed of annoyance but yet its still cute.

"Okay handsome here's your water and crackers, like I taught Luca, nibble on the cracker like a bunny, and only small sips."

He nods and does so as well.

Wow...he didn't talk back or did the opposite.

I wish Id give them a treat, but the only treat I shall give them is a good story book.

"How about you boys get into your pajamas, mama y/n is gonna read a bedtime story to calm those tummies."

They both groaned, that means its a yes.

The two boys changed into their pjs while you wait outside, waiting for a response that they are ready.

"Were ready!" Yelled out Alberto, so you entered back and see the two all bundled up in the bed like a bunch of adorable kittens.

You walked by the bookshelf and picked out a book to read.

You pulled a stool and sat next to them, began reading.

--A few minutes later--

You stopped until you began to hear snoring, the boys were fast asleep.

It made you have a soft side for the two ever since you came here, at first you thought they were annoying, but hey! A new little cousin to mess with and a little buddy!

You heard a footstep coming from outside the door. It was just Guilia holding Machiavelli.

"Santa did all of that?" She asked you.

"It wasn't that hard, plus they ate too much." You got up and turned off the lights.

"Want me to read you a story cuz?" You asked the redhead and she blushed from the thought.

"Come on like old times?" You asked, then she surrendered.

"Okay fine, it better not be the one that I hate!."

You nodded and smirked.

--A few moments later--

"Mama Mia Y/n! I'm gonna kill you in the morning!!" Guilia screamed and you laughed your ass off.

(It can be any book you imagine, to me I thought of the origins of Cinderella, kinda traumatized the poor girl -3-)

Also that is the end, I know it felt random, but its supposed to be random! -3-

Luca/Alberto x Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now