Prom Dance Final Pt. (High School AU Alberto x Reader)

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Art made by Me with water colors 🎨


This is gonna be a long one, and there's gonna be a hint of 🍊

Orange is a PG-13 Lemon, less sour and more sweet ^^

Soon you and Alberto made it to the back of the school, seeing a few students heading inside looking like either fancy and revealing.

You were so nervous to head in, believing you look like a mess or just didn't fit in...

Alberto parked his Vespa near the others and he held his arm out for you. You wrapped your hands around his bicep.

"Let's make this the night to remember." He winked down at you and leads away inside the building, is like entering a queens ball.

Seeing a few people dancing to the band playing on stage, a few over at the punch bowl, and girls chatting.

You are waiting for Giulia to arrive, she told you she was going with Luca. Which in your head is the most adorable thing in the world.

Spoiler alert, their going as friends, but hey! It's still sweet in general.

After taking a few glimpse of the atmosphere, the balloons and streamers are the colors of the Italian flag. Lighting flying around the room while the band plays. Just people having a good time.

Then you see Alberto taking off his coat and placed it over a chair, soon he pulls a chair for you to sit.

"Mia Signora." He offered a seat for you and of course, you sat down while he looks around the place.

You were really new to this...not sure what to say or do.

"I'm gonna get some punch, I'll get you a glass." He told you and you nodded while he heads to the snack table. You were left just nervous about this happening.


You heard someone call your name it was Giulia! Running up to you for a big hug.

Luca was surprised to see you two girls looking like twins.

"I can't tell which one is my date?" He joked and it made the two giggle from the shy nerds blushy face.

He's a really shy boy, it's just too adorable for you too.

It appears they are sitting by you and Alberto just to stick together.

"How's everything so far? He didn't hurt you did you?" Giulia asked you, went all protective mode. Knowing she will beat anyone who messes with you.

You shook your head. "No, he's being a kind gentlemen, never knew he had a soft side."

Suddenly Alberto returned with the punches, until he spotted Giulia giving him the death stare...

He knew about it...that's how scary Giulia can really be as a little sister.

"Hey sis! Luca, you look great!!" He said giving his best friend a hug.

"Aww so do you Alberto." Luca said, happy see the old gang together.

"Underdogs forever!" Giulia said out loud while sitting by you by the table.

(Alberto's POV)

I guess I need to tell Luca about this...he's the only friend who I look up out of all...

"Hey Luca, let me help you get some snacks for our dates."

Soon he looked down at Giulia, showing it's okay.

Luca/Alberto x Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now