Standing up Against Ercole

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This will be a preference shot, it's also cute how these boys would protect you from the catfish.

I wanna give credit to DumbRaccoon for the inspiration.
Don't worry, Ill write a special one for you at the end ( >w0 )


Luca's :

You and Luca came back from school together.

The two of you decide to go out to get ice cream as a celebration on your graduation.

You went down to the mini ice cream shop while he held your hand.

"What kind are you gonna get?" Luca asked you.

You looked around and eyes widen to see your favorite flavor.

"That one!"

Luca chuckled and held a bag "Good thing I know how to count money"

"Its important to do so." You punched his arm playfully and wait over to a small table outside the shop.

Waiting for Luca with the ice creams, he walked out holding two.

"My lady" He kneels and hands you your favorite flavor.

"Aww Grazie." You picked up your ice cream and held it close to you.

That's when you heard a mocking tone behind you.

"Ooh Luca! I prefer ice cream over you! Oh the love of my life!"

It was non other than Ercole, the town's bully...

You frowned and pulled your ice cream to the side.

"What's wrong Y/n?.." Luca asked with a frown on his face which you didn't like.

You tried to speak but Ercole kept mocking your voice.

"Oh Luca! You gonna eat dat Ice cream!" The oldest laughs and Luca finally noticed.

He glares over and got up from his seat.

"Hey you leave her and her beautiful voice alone!" He shouted.

Which surprised you that he never stood up for you.

"Aww come on! Her voice annoys me with that singing..." Ercole mocks once again but with a terrible high pitch singing.

Luca clutched his fist and threw his cone onto him.

"Well...your voice is annoying! She sings like an angel and more sweeter like one! Now leave us alone!" He sat back down and looks back at you with that sweet smile of his.

You blink a few times and was about to say something but he interrupted.

"I meant that..." He soon blushed and felt flustered.

"Y-you don't need to be embarrassed about it." You went to hug the short monster and you felt his arms wrapped around your waist.

"Thank you.." You said softly and he squeezed you gently, nuzzling into your hair.

"Your do have a beautiful voice.."

You kissed his nose and he turned tomato red.

"Your so sweet Luca."

Alberto's :

You were watching the fisherman go out and fish at the beach, mostly you were watching your boyfriend Alberto picking up the nets full of fish.

You gaze upon his fit body which makes you fall in love again.
He even spots you watching him, it made you blush whenever he winks at you.

You continued to watch until you felt something hit you from behind, it was just a beach ball.

You turned around to see who tossed it accidentally, you suddenly heard laughing.

"Hey fatty give me back my ball! And be quick!" Ercole shouts at you.

You suddenly covered your body with your towel and picked up the beach ball.

You felt a pair of arms snatching the ball away from you.

"God! You are so wonder your so fat..." Ercole walked away with the ball, continued to laugh.

You looked at your body and frowned just by the thought of were very insecure about your size, feeling tears rolling down your face...that's when you saw something crawling out of the water, it was just Alberto, and he looked pissed off...

"Hey!! Big nose!!" He shouted making his way to Ercole.

You watched your monster boyfriend talking to the bully.

"Oh well well well...if it isn't the smelly sea monster...whats wrong..was it about me picking fun at your big whale girlfriend!" Ercole chuckled to himself.

"Cuz she is big as a whale!!"

Then slam!!

Alberto punched him in the face, making him bleed through his nose.

To you it was pretty surprising...

"For your information! Y/n looks amazing! No matter how much she weighs and looks!! I still love her for her! So back off of my girl" He walked over back to you, still in his monster form.

"A-Albi...y-you didn't-" He dips your body near the water and gave a sweet passionate kiss.

"Your beautiful Star my eyes." He said softly.


Luberto (Special): this is for you friend! <(^·^ )>

The two boys went on a nice ride around town on their vespa, they decide to head over to the bridge to get a good view.

Luca had his arms wrapped around Alberto's waist and nuzzled his shoulder sweetly. "This is beautiful." He said.

"Not as beautiful as you." Alberto said back and they both looked at the view, having their fingers intertwine. Until the tall boy wants to go in for the kiss.

"We should place the vespa some place." Luca suggested, looking up at his tall boyfriend.

"Your right." Alberto walked over and put the vespa near the end of the bridge and heads back to Luca.

"Now, where were we?"

Luca giggled and tip toed to kiss his nose "have to be patient Al."

A gag is heard from behind.

"Get a room you too or all in all...get out!" Ercole said out loud so everyone would hear.

Luca frowned and gripped Alberto's shirt in frustration "why can't he leave us alone...?"

"You heard me! We don't accept homosexuals!"

Then one italian individual told Ercole to Silenzio. (shut up)

"Look better leave us be or else!" Alberto held onto Luca tight against his chest.

Ercole snorts from his fat nose. "Or else what, spread the gayfish on me?"

Alberto glares and smirks "you know what, we changed our minds, come on Luca." He winked at his boyfriend which makes the little one blush "o-oh yes! We'll be leaving."

Ercole chuckles "bunch of gay fish...they disgust me..."

After he turned his head away from the two, something ran over his big toe, letting out a high pitched scream.

"Ow! You won't get away from it!!"

Luca laughed and wrapped his arms around Alberto's shoulders.

"I know a better spot anyways, so he won't bother our moment."


Luca/Alberto x Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now