You drew this? Part 2 (Alberto x Artist Reader)

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Requested by milakotova2
Sequel request by BLITHESORIANO

Also guys are in fact 19 in this one There's a reason why.

Warning: slight nudity, aka Titanic reference lol

You and Alberto got along very sweetly!
5 years later and still going strong!

But the biggest thing you wanted to try when you two are at the mature age. You'd be able to draw him like a french boy.

Plus maybe it'll be an experience, to be fair, you'll let him draw like a french girl.

The two of you are at a tiny cafe enjoying some espresso coffee.

It's basically a morning breakfast date.

You two ordered your favorite meal and sipping on the finest coffee in Italy.

"Any big projects you planned on doing this week?" Alberto asked, looking up at you with those dreamy eyes.

"Hmm Guido asked me to make a portrait of him and his friend Ciccio, saying its a birthday gift. So far It'll be done either today or a late gift.."

You sipped your coffee while Alberto fixed his pony tail.

This is a reason why you must sketch him. He's grown up to be the next statue of david~

"That's very sweet, I need to get them a gift too.." Alberto scratched his head and puts back on his hat.

You finished your breakfast and took a deep breath.


"Yes bambina?"

You took another deep breath and prepare for the worse.

"I was wondering before or after the birthday party..." You froze and Alberto raised an eyebrow.


You said real quick and sipped your coffee.

Alberto had a confused face until he realized what you meant. "Oh...cattiva~"

He knew what your on to, in his mind, he's up for it.

"I know it seems so sudden...but I'd thought it'll be fun. Ill keep it to myself."

"Bambina Im fine with it, on one condition."

You looked up at him and his devilish smirk isn't a good sign..

"I draw you like a french girl~."

This does sound pretty fair, you being nude in front of your boyfriend. You were always insecure about your body. Hope he wouldn't mind the muffin top.

"I-its a deal."

Alberto winks and finished his coffee "you need anything before I leave for work?"

You thought for a moment, "well maybe more titanium white paint, Im running low."

"You got it!"

Both of you hugged each other and kiss before leaving.

"I love you bello."

He chuckled and boops your nose "I love you too Principessa"

So you two split while you have the house to yourself, finishing up your piece of portrait for Guido. Paying you about 50 dollari. He wants it to be perfect which you promised the sweet guy.

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