Sea Baby Prequel (Alberto x Pregnant Reader)

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Requested by WillowTheUTfan

This time with Alberto!

You found out you were pregnant while trying to water your mothers flower garden...when your boyfriend comes to see you.

What would his reaction be?

Alberto is 20, you are 19.


"Oh Y/n, would you be a dear and help your mamma with the flowers." Your mother told you, filling up the cans.

You nodded "sí mamma, just wanna look nice for my bello when he comes by during break." You blushed and picked up the can.

"Aww you really have met your Prince Charming, I'm so happy for you." She teased and you blush red, so you two head out to water some flowers that needs to be hydrated.

"Aww stop that mamma." You continued to water until you feel a strange feeling in your stomach...

"Y/n? Are you alright?" Your mom asked...looking worried.

You dropped the can and rush over to the sink and projectile.

"Y/n!! Mamma Mia are you okay?!" Your mom went all panic mode...

"Y-yeah mom...I-I'm's just...I'm not sure if it's the know too much metal could be bad." You chuckled and your mom raised an eyebrow.

"Miele...when did you have your last period?" She asked and you realized you were feeling behind.

"I-I believe a month ago..."

She nods and asked this which she didn't wanna make you feel uncomfortable." Did you use protection?"

Your eyes widen and realized you and Alberto got *busy* a month ago...

"You didn't use protection did you?"

You slowly shook your head, that is a no.

"Come with me."

She took you to the bathroom and pulled out a little pregnancy test for you to take.

"It's just in case." She explained how to use it and she gave you privacy to do what you had to do.

Your mother set up the timer and told you to clean yourself up while waiting.

You were scared if it did went positive...too afraid your mother would either kick you out or beat the living fish out of Alberto.

Not sure what'll happen in the next five minutes...

Until the alarm sets off, your mother gave you the eye to go check it out.

Once you made it to the bathroom, you see that it had a plus on it....

You begin to shiver, heading back to show your mother...


Is all you said, however your mother expression didn't show any anger or looking upset. To be honest, she loves to have grand kids. It depends if the man you have would treat you nicely.

"I-it's plus." You showed her and she gave you a big hug.

"Meraviglioso! Oh! Alberto would be so happy to find out!" She cheered and kissed your cheek. It really did brighten up the day!

"Come on, let's continue our duty before they dry up."

So both of you continued to water the flowers and planted more seeds in each pot.

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