Why? (Luca x Hunter's Daughter Reader)

324 4 17

Third part and possibly the final part.

Requested by Anthony1290

Your father took you back to Portorosso, and you ask why must he hates sea monsters?

The answer would be revealed in the story.

Also, reading your guys's comments made me laugh so hard. This video of Tom from Tom and Jerry is how I look like 🤣🤣

Seriously, you lil beans are so flipping funny, it makes my day to make you fangirl.

Anyways, enjoy the story!


—Back in Portorosso—

You got off the boat, looking angry behind your fathers back, heading back inside your home without any conversation.

"Y/n! Get back here!" Your father called out for you, however you ignored...

"Y/n!!" He continues to shout out your name while got slammed the door from behind, laying on your bed, feeling hurt how your own father almost killed your friend...your only friend...

You begin to tear up and decide to cry in your sleep, not even wanting to talk to your father...his shouting begin to lower down...knew he screwed up.

(Y/n's Father's PoV)

Ugh...why can't my daughter understand...? She literally put herself in danger! Almost killed in front of my eyes...by that sea monster...

But it looked like it didn't even harm her...

Seeing the monster itself...it didn't look that threatening nor horrifying...how those stories were told my papa told me as a child...

I should give her some space, wait until she's ready to have a talk...

—back to Y/n—-

You sobbed in your pillow, smothering it with tears and turned your body around to look up the ceiling...

"Why...? Why does this always happen to me...?" You asked yourself, already thinking about your wonderful time meeting Luca. Your first and only friend you have made that you had a strong connection with...

You always wonder...why does your father kill sea monsters? Even though they aren't too dangerous...?

You sighed and grabbed your sketchbook, doodling some nice figure drawings of Luca, making him look like a stunning mermaid to your visuals.

A few moments later, you heard a knock on your door.

"Come in..." you shout out, wasn't too sure who it was and continued to sketch.

"Amore..." you heard the deep voice and didn't look up at all.

However, you smell the fresh scent of cookies, it appears your father is holding a plate of cookies and hot cocoa.

You knew this must be an apology gift or begging for it...

You continued to draw and then he walked over to sit besides you.

Until he cleared his throat.

"Y/n...princess...I want to apologize abou-"

"For what? Almost killing my friend?" You interrupted...not wanting to cry again...


"Do you have any idea how that effects me papa...? He is not evil or scary...he didn't hurt me or anything...why would you kill someone that didn't cause no harm?" You felt a tear run down your face and your father seemed rather patient...

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