So what? (Alberto x Trans Reader)

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This was requested by my child Morrothesoultaker

You are a closeted trans boy and you wanted to tell your best friend Alberto the truth of your self.

Read along to see his reaction.

Also warning, some nudity, the both of you are 19, nothing sexual.


You were tapping your chest around with the bandage wrap, and finish it with a sports bra.

Getting ready to work with your friend Alberto, which you have had a crush on since you two hung out since you two were 15.

The problem was...he thought you were a guy...but biologically...your a girl.

For a long time, you'd always see yourself as a male. Its not due to your sexuality or what people think.

Its because you feel comfortable as something your weren't born as.

You started off as a tom boy, then have your hair shorter, also having a manly job. You know, feel masculine!

But there's still a bit of feminine inside you. That's because of Alberto.

You heard a honk outside of your window, looking out and it was him on his vespa.

"Hey Y/n! Come on you don't wanna be late!"

You tried to find a good shirt but only wore a white tang top and black jeans.

Then head out side, seeing him pat his seat.

You get behind him while he drives the both of you to the shore.

Once you got there, Alberto prepared the boat for the two of you your share.

You guys are boat buddies, you work together, which the other fisherman find it cute.

"On we go!"

You got on the boat, starting the machine, find a location to catch some fish.

"Y/n you've been very quiet lately, something in your mind?" The tall one asked, you haven't spoken when he picked you up.

"Oh..nothing's wrong dude, just a little tired from last night...the boss made me work overtime at night.."

Then Alberto awwed from the answer "I get it, no wonder you can't come over...I felt pretty worried."

You hid your blush hearing what he said...but it made you brighten up that he truly cared about you.

You tried to stay cool about it.

"Aw its fine, at least I made more from that day."

He chuckled and dropped the nets into the water. "Well good for you man." Then he pulls up the net, which you helped out, pulling up big loads of fish in the net.

"Hell yeah!"

This does count as an arm workout for the both of you, be looking like hot italian super models.

So far its been a good day, busy...but a good day! You and Alberto catched a few fish to sell and to eat.

So you two went to take a lunch break, a few topics on what's been happening with your families and silly stories.

That's when things went a bit deep.

"Hey uh Y/n?"

You looked up taking a bite out of your sandwich.

Luca/Alberto x Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now