4 years ago

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"Alia, wait up!" I heard from behind me. I turned to see my best friend Sarah, running towards me through the halls, weaving her way through other students. She caught up to me and looped her arm through mine smiling broadly. 

"Hey girl, you ok? You look like something is on your mind?" I asked her looking at her. She had a broad smile on her face and I could only imagine this had something to do with her crush Derek.

"Derek asked me to homecoming!" she cried, beaming, confirming my suspicions. 

"That's great! I'm sure you guys will have a great time," I replied rolling my eyes. I was happy for her, but she and Derek were annoyingly cute. It was a little sickening sometimes how cute they were. 

"Now we need to find you a date!" She squealed jumping a little.

"Oh no! I don't do the whole dancing thing," I chuckled. "Besides, my dad will be home that weekend and he is going to have some time off from work and I'm going on a long vacation with him." My dad is a secret agent for a government agency known as SHIELD, but the only thing that Sarah knew is that he worked for the government and was gone for long periods of time. She had her suspicions about my dad being a spy but I never confirmed or denied anything. I couldn't obviously.

"How long has he been gone this time?" she asked sympathetically. Her dad was in the army before he died in Iraq so she knew how hard it was to have a parent gone so much.

"Three months. My uncle has been staying with me while he has been gone but he is ready to get back to his own life for a little while." My "uncle" was also a SHIELD agent but his current mission was to keep an eye on me while my dad was gone. "Babysitting the boss's daughter" he called it affectionately. He was more of an older brother to me seeing as he is only a few years older than me. He is a great guy and I love him to bits but he is a pain in the ass sometimes.

"Well I wish you were coming with us, but I get it. It will be good to have your dad home I'm sure," Sarah was saying.

"Oh yeah," I replied as we walked out the front doors of our high school. I was a junior in high school but could have graduated early, I just didn't want to be seen as a freak. I was extremely smart with an above average IQ. I hated being in school because I basically knew everything already and I was always extremely bored, but it was better than the alternative of sitting at home doing nothing. Dad wouldn't let me go to college until I turn 19 and I can't join SHIELD until I'm 19 either so, either way I'm doomed to wait two years unless I just wait it out in high school. 

"Hey I have to go but I  will call you later tonight ok?" Sarah said as she started towards the parking lot where Derek was waiting to give her a ride home. 

"Ok I will see you later," I called back waving. As I turned towards my normal route home, I pulled my cell out of my pocket to call my dad. I noticed I had a couple of missed texts from Clint but that wasn't abnormal. He was always checking in with me. As I dialed my dad's number I didn't expect him to answer but was pleasantly surprised when his voice came through.

"Hey sweetheart, how was school?" He asked and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"It was ok. Normal stuff. Stuff I already knew and I was crazy bored throughout the whole day. How was your day in classified areas of the world?" I asked grinning.

"As you said, classified," he replied. "No it was pretty uneventful today. Things are starting to calm down and I'm going to be ready to come home in a couple weeks. Did you ever find a date for homecoming?" 

"No dad," I sighed. "I told you, I don't dance. Besides we are going on a trip remember?" 

"It's one night hon, besides I figured you would want to go even if you didn't do any dancing. I know how much you enjoy hanging out with Sarah so I figured you would want to go," he replied and I could tell he was frowning now.

"Nah, I'm not worried about it. I'm honestly ready to be done with high school but I don't want to just do nothing for two years," I replied calmly. Suddenly I got a weird feeling like I was being watched. I was taking my normal route home but I was oddly aware of a man behind me that just seemed odd.

"Dad," I said quickly, cutting off whatever he was saying. "I think I'm being followed."

"What?" he said sounding concerned.

"It may be nothing but this guy has been following me for a few blocks and he looks really shifty. I'm not sure," I replied trying to stay calm. My dad had taught me what to do in these situations but at the moment everything had disappeared from my mind.

"I'm texting Barton, just keep walking kiddo," I heard my dad's voice say. I opened my mouth to reply when I felt a hand wrap itself around my mouth and I let out a muffled scream. 

"Alia? Aliana! Honey are you there?" I could hear my dad's voice coming from the phone in the man's hand. He lifted the phone to his ear and pushed me into an alley where there was a van waiting.

"Don't worry, we will take very good care of your little girl Agent Coulson," he said and I could tell he was smirking. The last thing I heard as everything went black was, "Hail HYDRA."

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