The End Of A Siege

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We continued fighting for what seemed like hours and I could tell the team was wearing out. My energy was running low and I was feeling worn out. Nat was panting and running out of steam and even Steve and his super soldier stamina was running low. 

"Steve none of this is going to mean a damn thing if we can't get that portal closed," Nat said leaning against a car, taking a breather.

"Babe, she's right. There's no way any of us can keep this up. Except maybe Clint but he's not doing much," I said smirking, knowing he could hear me.

"Hey, I resent that comment Fraser," he said through the comms.

"Oh he used the last name, Nat. I think I'm in trouble," i said smirking at her. She laughed looking over at me. 

"That's a great plan Nat, but even our biggest guns, couldn't touch it," Steve said, looking over at her, having completely ignored our entire exchange.

"Maybe it's not about guns," she replied looking up. A group of chariots was flying past, and I understood her meaning. I had to admit, she had a good plan, but it was plain crazy.

"You want to get up there, you're going to need a ride," Steve said, eyeing her warily. I think he understood where she was going with this too.

"I got a ride. I could use a boost though," she said walking to the opposite side of the bridge.

"You sure about this?" I asked, uncertainly.

"Yeah, it's going to be fun," she replied but I couldn't tell if she was trying to convince us or herself. She took a running start, jumping on to a car and then onto Steve's shield and he threw her up into the air. She grabbed onto the bottom of one of the chariots as it flew past and disappeared out of sight.

"She's nuts," I exclaimed, shaking my head.

"Yeah well, she's your friend," Steve said, smirking at me.

"I'm not sure what to take from that, so I'm going to leave it alone," I replied laughing. He chuckled slightly and we went back to fighting.

After a few minutes, we were overwhelmed again. I had several of the chitauri on me and I was having trouble getting them off. I managed to get two of them but one had me in what was almost a chokehold and I was losing air fast. All of a sudden it's grip went slack as an arrow came from nowhere and lodged itself in the creature's eye. I waved in thanks to Clint who was on the roof and went to go and help Steve who was fighting a few as well. 

"Cap, Alia, the bank on 42nd past Madison there's a group of civilians in there being held hostage," Clint called to us. It was only a few blocks away.

"We're on it," I called back and we took off. We made it to the bank and I went in through the front doors and Steve went in through an upstairs window.

"Show off," I muttered. I waited for a moment while I heard fighting upstairs, while Steve tried to attract the attention of the aliens upstairs. When I felt like they were distracted enough I caught the attention of the civilians and quietly starting evacuating them out of the bank. After a minute though I heard a loud beeping noise that was unmistakably a bomb and heard Steve shout my name. The bomb went off and I heard a window break. One of the aliens was blasted from the top floor into the middle of the group of people but it was dead. The civilians then began to run out the doors for their lives. Thankfully at that point, there were police and fire rescue outside to help get them out of harm's way. I ran outside looking for Steve and found him laying on top of a car.

"Steve!" I called out running to him. "Are you ok?"

"Yep, never better. I only got thrown out of a window, honey," he replied sarcastically.

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