The Tour

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As we stepped inside the helicarrier, Steve and Bruce were shocked to say the least, Steve more so than Bruce. I couldn't begin to imagine what Steve was going through so I decided to pull him aside.

"Hey Steve, do you have a few minutes?"

"Sure Aliana what's up?" he replied standing off to the side with me.

"Well the meeting doesn't start for about 20 minutes so I thought maybe I could show you around the place a little bit. That way you wouldn't be so overwhelmed? I can't even imagine what all of this is doing to you emotionally or mentally and I just thought maybe I could help a little," I said, immediately feeling seriously stupid. He just looked down at me.

"I mean of course if you don't want to we can go straight to the main deck for the meeting," I said blushing scarlet.

"No, no that's perfectly fine! I actually appreciate you wanting to show me around," Steve said quickly.

"Oh...ok. Great. Well then. Um...follow me then," I said, feeling a little flustered.

Steve POV

I was a little surprised when Aliana said she wanted to show me around. I thought back to last night when she showed up at the gym. I had known that the SHIELD agents were watching me, but none of them had ever approached me other than Fury. She was beautiful, without a doubt with that long brown hair and those bright hazel eyes. Her eyes were so sharp too, she never seemed to miss a thing. Something I could imagine was important being an agent with SHIELD. She wasn't like any agent I had ever met though. She was kind, sweet and funny with a great personality.

"Get it together Rogers," I thought to myself. "It's just a tour of the facility. It's not like it's a date or anything." I began to wonder what a date with her might be like. Where would I take her? What would we talk about? Would I kiss her? Would I take her back to my place for more than that?

"Ok Steve, stop that thought process right now," I thought to myself. I needed to pay attention to what she was saying.

"You ok Steve?" she was asking. I snapped out of my thoughts and came back down to earth and looked at her.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm good. Sorry there's just a lot going on in my head, it's hard to process," I said looking down at the floor. It wasn't technically a lie but it wasn't the whole truth either.

"I can imagine all of this new technology can be overwhelming," she said chuckling.

"Technology, right," I mumbled to myself where she wouldn't hear me. 

She took me along a corridor showing me where the mess hall, resident quarters, and training rooms were. We also walked past some storage rooms, offices and finally some labs.

"Can I ask you something?" I said suddenly. She stopped and turned to look at me.

"Sure," she said smiling.

"What's it like being third generation SHIELD?" I asked. I remembered that she had told me that her grandfather had been SHIELD before her father.

"At first it wasn't that great. It was dangerous being my dad's daughter. I used my mother's maiden name so that I could be safer. Obviously SHIELD has lots of enemies and it wasn't safe for me to use my dad's last name because he has been with SHIELD since he was young. That didn't stop them from finding me though. HYDRA found me when I was 17. They kidnapped me and experimented on me for 3 months before I was rescued. It was the worst part of my life," she explained sadly.

"I'm so sorry," I said sadly, taking her hand. As soon as my skin contacted hers, I felt sparks erupt across my body. She looked up at me as though she felt it too. I had never felt that before with a woman, not even with Peggy. "I know the evils of HYDRA all too well. They took my best friend from me and caused me 70 years of my life. So I get it. What about your mother? Is she with SHIELD too?"

"Oh, um, no," she said her face falling. "She died when I was little."

"I'm sorry. My mom was a nurse in a tuberculosis ward. She died of it in 1936," I said understanding her pain all to well. 

"Look at us," she said with a sad smile. "Talking about so much negative stuff. I'm not sure about your mom but my mom would say 'There's no sense in talking about rain when you can enjoy the sunshine.' She was always a happy person. My dad tells me that sometimes nowadays too."

"My mom tried to be a happy person too," I smiled remembering my mom's upbeat personality. "Is there more to see on this tour?"

"Well I mean I could show you the hangars where they keep some of the more high tech jets but I think that might just overwhelm you a bit so if you want we can just head toward the main deck," she replied with a smile. God, she had such a beautiful smile. "Damnit Rogers, get a grip! You are here to do a job! Do the job then worry about the girl." 

As we continued to walk towards the main deck, I continued to try to keep myself in check but I kept finding myself thinking about little things I would notice with her like the way her hair would catch the light, the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled or the way her nose scrunched up when she laughed. As we walked on to the bridge I found myself thinking, "This woman is either going to become my wife or she is going to be the death of me."

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