Fatherly Chat

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Steve and I talked quietly the whole way back to base. He said it was to help me stay awake, but i had the feeling he also wanted to get to know me. I told him about my mom, about joining SHIELD and about knowing Clint and Nat the majority of my life. He told me about his life in the past and about the war. He told me about losing his friend Bucky, going into the ice, and about how things had been for him since he woke up. He was so easy to talk to and he made me laugh so simply. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Nat throwing glances our way every now and then but I ignored her. I knew she would confront me about it later, but I wasn't sure what I would say to her yet.

"We will be at base in about 10 minutes, Alia," she called to me after a while. "You are going straight to the medbay. Your dad's orders and Fury's," she said as I tried to protest. I grumbled and Steve squeezed my hand softly. My stomach flipped at his touch and i smiled at him.

"I'll go with you. Trust me, i hate doctors and hospitals too," he said softly. I nodded at him and he stood up and walked over to Nat. 

"Agent Romanoff will you please inform Director Fury that I will be escorting Agent Fraser to the medbay and that I will meet with him after I have made sure that she's ok?" he asked her professionally. Nat raised an eyebrow but only nodded, shooting me a look once Steve had turned his back. I shrugged and smirked. She shook her head at me as if to say, "Oh you are not getting away with it that easily."

After a few minutes, we landed on the hellicarrier. There was a medical team waiting just outside along with my dad. He had a look on his face that was a mix of anxiety and anger as he saw me laying there. Steve picked me up off the gurney and made his way off the quinjet towards my dad and the med team.

"Well you certainly know how to give your old man a heart attack," he snapped at me. He looked up at Steve and sighed. "Thank you, Captain Rogers, for taking care of my daughter."

"Not a problem," Steve replied with a small smile. "We had a bit of a run in with a certain god of thunder and she took a little tumble was all. Tony had Jarvis take a look at her and it's just a mild concussion, but we made sure that she laid down and rested the whole way back. It bled quite a bit and me being the worrier that I am, I just wanted to be sure."

"We will take her and just be sure that nothing else is wrong and then she will be good to go," said one of the medical team. Steve nodded and gestured for him to show the way. Dad walked alongside Steve and they chatted about Thor, who dad knew from New Mexico. After a few minutes, we arrived at the medbay and Steve put me down on one of the gurneys. 

"I have to go. I told Fury that I would meet with him once you were taken care of," he said looking down at me.

"I will come find you as soon as they let me out of here," I said taking his hand. He shot me a warning glance, his eyes flicking over to my dad who was standing with one of the medics. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't freak out about my dad, I guarantee if you told him you were remotely interested in me, he'd start planning our wedding," I whispered. Steve chuckled slightly with a smile. 

"Still, let's wait a little while before we give him a potential reason to want to put me back on ice," he whispered back with a laugh. He lifted my hand to his lips kissing my fingers and searching my eyes. He let go of my hand and left.

"So, I see someone has something for the Captain then?" I heard from behind me. I turned to see dad standing there with his arms crossed and an unreadable expression on his face. I gulped.

"Uh...should I even try to lie right now?" I asked slowly.

"No. And while I'm not thrilled about you potentially being with someone who is older than me, if it had to be anyone, I would feel happy and relaxed knowing that it could possibly be Captain America. You know my opinions about him," he said sitting down in a chair next to me.

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