Goodbye...For Now

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A few days later I was released from the hospital but told that I still needed to rest as much as possible. I was able to do small bits of walking so for the most part, Steve pushed me around in a wheelchair. It was super embarrassing and I hated it but he didn't mind. he said it gave him the chance to take care of his girl. 

After I was released from the hospital, we all met up as a team and decided that it was finally time for Thor to take Loki back to Asgard. We weren't sure when we would see Thor again, and that bothered me to a certain degree. I had only just found him as my uncle and my friend and I wasn't keen on losing him again so soon. 

Steve was currently staying with me and Nat as his apartment building had been destroyed in the battle. He was able to get in and get some of the more important things that he needed like his clothes and some more sentimental items but his apartment was not livable. Our house was only a two bedroom, but he had no problem sharing my bed. Unfortunately because I was still healing, we had not gone any further than heated make out sessions and cuddling. And because he was too much of a gentlemen.

When I woke up on the morning we were to say good bye to Thor and Loki, Steve was not in bed. I could hear voices in the living room and banging in the kitchen so I got up to see what all the noise was. As I walked into the living room, I saw that Nat was sitting on the couch watching Steve in the kitchen, laughing at his attempts to cook breakfast.

"What's going on in here?" I asked, chuckling at the scene before me.

"You might want to take over before your boyfriend burns the house down," Nat said roaring with laughter at the state of the kitchen.

"It's not funny Nat, I don't understand this stupid stove," Steve said angrily. I walked into the kitchen, shaking my head at him.

"Come here honey, it's ok," I said calmly, taking over. "Let's just do something simple for breakfast today and I will show you how it works later ok?"

"I know how to cook, just not with all this new technology! You guys forget, I grew up in the 30s and 40s when we didn't have all this stuff!" Steve exclaimed. "I just wanted to give you breakfast in bed."

"Oh baby, you are so sweet!" I cried, wrapping my arms around him and kissing him sweetly. "But if we don't leave soon, we are going to be late." 

We ended up eating and dressing rather quickly. We ended up leaving the house a few minutes late but still somehow managed to show up at the park where we had agreed to meet on time.

"I hate being on time," I grumbled as we got out of Nat's car.

"But we're on time," Steve said bewildered.

"Dad always says, 'If you are on time, you are late. It's better to be early.' That is how I have always lived my life," I replied. He shook his head at me and smiled. He took my hand and we walked over to meet the others. Everyone on the team was aware of my goddess status and the fact that Steve and I are soulmates. Thor had explained it to everyone while I was in the hospital, so it was no surprise to anyone. 

"Hey Cap. Hey Alia, how you feeling?" Clint called to me as we walked up.

"I'm doing better Clint. Still sore but I'm getting better every day. I should be back to normal hopefully in about a week," I replied giving him a hug.

"Well you better hurry up. I need your help to kick some more ass soon," he said chuckling. 

"Oh no, she and I are taking a much needed break," Steve said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing the top of my head.

"Yeah, I don't want to know. Just don't get my sister pregnant, that's all I have to say," he said, sounding grossed out.

"Clinton Barton!" I gasped in surprise. Nat laughed out loud as Tony and Bruce walked up.

"Do I want to know?" Tony asked.

"NO!" Steve and I shouted together. Clint and Nat laughed harder. Just then Thor and Loki showed up. Loki was shackled and had some sort of muzzle type thing on his mouth I assume to keep him from talking.

"Uncle, can I speak to him for just one moment before you go?" I asked Thor. He nodded and removed the gag from Loki's mouth. Loki shook his head for a moment and looked down at me. I just stood there for a moment and then I hugged him. Everyone behind me made a noise of surprise and started forward but i waved them off. Loki hugged me back.

"I just want you to know, that even with everything that you have done, I forgive you. I know in my heart that this was not truly you that did this. I don't know why you did it, but I believe in my heart that you didn't want to. I know that we don't know each other well, but my mother would have believed in you and she would have forgiven you. Its who she was and its who I am. I love you uncle. You can be redeemed. You just have to want it," I said, looking up into his eyes. Tears sprang into his eyes and he hugged me tighter. I winced in pain because of my side and guilt filled his eyes.

"I can never say how sorry I am that this happened to you. I am sorry for that. I take full responsibility and I know that I can never fully make it up to you. I appreciate what you said though. You are so much like your mother. I miss her so and I am so very glad I was able to meet you. I hope that one day our paths will cross again," he replied giving me one last hug before turning back to Thor and nodding. Thor looked at me and smiled before handing Loki one half of the casket that housed the tesseract, that Bruce had handed him while Loki and I were talking. With a quick turn of the handle and a flash of blue light, my uncles were gone. 

A single tear, rolled down my cheek and I wiped it away. Steve came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist again. 

"You ok?" he asked.

"Yeah. I think I'm going to be ok," I replied smiling up at the sky.

"What do you want to do today? We have been given some time off while you heal," Steve said kissing along my neck.

"Why don't we just go home and stay in bed for a few days? There's a few ideas that I have in mind," i said slyly.

"Oh, yes ma'am," he groaned, sweeping me into his arms and rushing back to the car, with me laughing the whole way.

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