Headed to Base

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At 0750 I was standing outside the quinjet with my dad waiting to see if Steve would show up. I was optimistic but I was also worried because I wasn't sure if I had overwhelmed him the night before. 

Nat was gone when I got up that morning and I had was sad that was she wasn't coming with dad and I. I had missed her. I was really hoping that she and I would have more time to spend over the next few weeks. She had been gone a lot and I was really hoping that things would calm down.

"Did you not get much sleep last night kiddo?" dad chuckled as I yawned for the billionth time that morning. I had slept but my dreams had been really bad so I had not slept soundly. 

"No I slept it just wasn't the best sleep of my life," I replied yawning again. "Flashbacks again." 

"Well you can always do what I did, but there's no guarantee of when you will wake up," called a familiar voice. I turned to see Steve walking towards us. I smiled brightly when I saw him. 

"I'm glad you decided to join us Captain. We are glad to have you. May I introduce my father Agent Philip Coulson of SHIELD?" I asked turning and gesturing towards my dad.

"Your dad is an agent of SHIELD?" Steve asked, surprised. I smirked a little.

"Yep, has been my whole life. I've wanted to be a SHIELD agent since I was about six years old. It's in my blood. I think my grandfather was a member of SHIELD as well," I replied smiling proudly. 

"Captain Rogers, it is an honor to meet you," dad said holding his hand out to shake Steve's hand smiling nervously. I wish I had thought to warn Steve but it hadn't crossed my mind. Steve shook dad's hand looking a little shy.

"Alright gentlemen we need to get to base so if you will both kindly join me on the jet, it's time to go," I said using my best Fury voice. Dad laughed at my impression and Steve looked at me a little confused. "You'll see what the meaning behind that is when we get there," I said smirking.

They both made their way on their way onto the jet and sat down. Steve looked a little overwhelmed and looked around the jet. After a few minutes he took the debriefing packet out of his bag, in what looked like an attempt to take his mind off of all of the overwhelming stuff going on around him.

"We're about 40 minutes out from base sir, ma'am," the pilot called after a while.

"Why is it they can call you ma'am and I can't?" Steve teased from his seat.

"You know what Rogers?" I teased back. He looked back to the screen in his hands that was showing information about Bruce Banner also known as the Incredible Hulk.

"So this Doctor Banner was trying to replicate the serum that was used on me?" he asked as he watched some of the news footage.

"A lot of people were. You were the world's first superhero," I replied looking at him across the jet. He looked up at me blushing slightly.

"Banner thought gamma radiation might hold the key to unlocking Erskine's original formula," dad explained further.

"Didn't really go his way did it?" Steve murmured as he watched the Hulk destroy a building. 

"Not so much. When he's not that thing, the guy's like a Stephen Hawking," dad said sarcastically.

Steve looks up at him confused, obviously not understanding the reference.

"He's a really smart person," I explain for him. 

"I know I said this already, but it really is an honor to meet you officially," dad said his voice getting a little excited. "Uh-oh," I thought. "Here we go." Steve smiled slightly but it was obvious that he was slightly uncomfortable. I cleared my throat trying to get dad's attention but he kept on talking.

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