Thor, God of Thunder

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I let out a yell of excitement as I fell from the jet. I had always loved skydiving since Clint had taken me when I was 15. What can I say, i like the feeling of an adrenaline rush. It's why I enjoyed being a SHIELD agent so much.

"Alia pull your chute," Steve called to me after pulling his own. I laughed out loud as i had not grabbed one. I continued my freefall for another minute or so before concentrating my energy and opening a portal and landing gracefully on the forest floor below us. I stood up adjusting my jacket and fixing my hair into something that did not resemble a bird's nest as I looked up and saw Steve coming in a few hundred yards from where I was standing. He was in a panic calling out for me in the dark. I ran to him as he was disentangling himself from the chute. He looked up as I came running through the trees and looked at me with mix of exasperation, relief and anger.

"What the hell was that?" Steve asked yanking me into his chest and crushing me into a bear hug. My body erupted in sparks. He pulled away from me and before I could say a word he took my chin roughly and crashed his lips to mine hungrily. I stiffened for a moment and then relaxed into the kiss. The kiss was full of need and fear. After a minute, he pulled away and looked at me with lust filled eyes. All of a sudden he pulled stepped back and turned around. 

"I-I'm so sorry Alia, I honestly don't know what came over me," Steve stammered as he walked further away from me. All I could do is stand there in shock with my fingers on my lips. "I was so scared when i noticed that you didn't pull your chute and I couldn't find you and that was my first instinct. I have such strong feelings for you and I have no idea why. I barely know you and I-"

"Steve," I said cutting him off. He turned to look at me with a look of apprehension on his face and nervousness in his eyes. I took a hesitant step towards him. He didn't move, he just watched me with wary eyes. I closed the distance between us quickly, throwing myself into his arms and connecting my lips with his again in another feverish kiss. I kissed him hard without hesitation and he kissed me back, one hand on my face the other wrapping itself in my hair. After a minute, we broke apart, breathing hard and staring into each others eyes. Just then the sound of fighting came from close by.

"Duty calls Cap," I said pulling away and smirking at him. I gave him one last look and ran towards the sound of the fighting. I didn't have to run far before finding the source of the racket. It looked as though Stark had finally caught up to the man in the armor. They were back and forth exchanging blows with the hammer and Tony's repulsor blasts. After a moment, Steve's shield came from out of nowhere hitting each of them once before ricocheting back to where he was standing on top of a tree.

"That's enough!" He yelled out to them. He slipped his arm into the straps in his shield and dropped down to the forest floor making a small thud. "Ok that was hot," I thought to myself smirking at him slightly.

"I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes," the man in armor said angrily.

"Then prove it, put the hammer down," I said calmly, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Uh no, bad call, he loves his hammer," Tony cried. The man swung the hammer at Tony, knocking hum away and into a tree. I winced at the sound that it made and was secretly glad that Tony had such a hard head.

"You want me to put the hammer down?" the man yelled. Steve grabbed me by the waist and covered us with the shield as the man came at us with the hammer. There was a great ringing bang and a huge wave of energy as we were all knocked off of our feet and all the nearby trees were leveled. I hit my head slightly on a rock as we went down and heard another ringing in my ears even as the louder ringing ended. I closed my eyes as a wave of nausea came over me.

"Ow, that really hurt," I mumbled. Steve sat up slightly to look at me.

"Alia, you ok? Oh no, you're head is bleeding," he exclaimed turning my head slightly to get a better look. He looked up at Tony and the man who were on their feet again.

"Are we done here?" he snapped at them. The man in armor looked slightly ashamed of himself as he saw me laying there bleeding. He was looking at me with a look of shock and pain. I wondered if I was imagining things.

"I apologize for my behavior and my actions. This is not becoming behavior of a prince of Asgard and I am deeply ashamed," he said with a slight bow to me. "I am Thor Odinson, God of Thunder."

"Great to meet you but unless you are the god of aspirin, I don't really care at the moment," I grumbled as my headache seemed to get worse. Tony chuckled slightly.

"Jarvis, can you get a scan of Agent Fraser's head please? We need to know if there is any damage inside that pretty head of hers," Tony said speaking to his AI program.

"God forbid because Tony has enough brain damage for all four of us," I said closing my eyes slightly. He and Steve both chuckled this time.

"Sir it seems that Agent Fraser has sustained a mild concussion," said the voice of Jarvis.

"Nat, do you copy?" Steve said over comms.

"Loud and clear," came Nat's reply.

"Converge on our location, we need evac and let base know we are going to need a medic on standby. Alia has a concussion," Steve informed her.

"What? How the hell did she get a concussion?" Nat sounded angry.

"Long story," I replied. She grumbled something that I couldn't understand and switched over to another channel communicate to base. After a few minutes, she landed the jet in the new clearing that Thor had created with his hammer and opened the back of the jet. Steve lifted me up bridal style into his arms and carried me into the jet.

"Your dad is pissed," she said as he set me down on a gurney that had been set up.

"Yeah well what else is new?" I grumbled. "He gets mad every time I get a freaking scratch on my arm."

"You ok?" she asked looking down at me with concern.

"I'm good just a headache," I replied. "I would love a nap right now but I know that I can't until we get back so I will just have to suffer through." Steve sat down next to me and held my hand while Nat went back to the cockpit and got us back underway to base. 

"I am ok you know," I said turning my head to smile at Steve. He smiled back at me slightly and sighed.

"Are we going to talk about what happened?" he asked quietly.

"If you want to," I replied my heart starting to race.

"You know how I feel, because I stupidly rambled about it," he muttered, looking at the floor. "Now I'm just nervous to know how you feel in return."

"To be honest, I'm not sure," I replied slowly. He looked up at me with an unreadable expression in his eyes. "The first time we met when I shook your hand, I felt something for you. And it was crazy strong. And I've found myself having crazy thoughts about you. I definitely have feelings for you but I'm not sure what they are yet." He was silent for a moment just staring at me as his eyes softened.

"Do we want to see where this goes or what it could turn into?" he asked me slowly. I took a moment before answering, weighing my answer.

"Yeah, I think so. I think that would be great," I said smiling at him. He smiled and kissed my hand. 

"Well then let's see where this goes," he said.

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