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The first thing I became aware of was an annoying beeping sound. I was so warm and comfortable, and it was interrupting my sleep. I groaned slightly and tried to open my eyes. They felt really heavy so I tried again. This time I was able to open them slightly but everything was blurry. I blinked a couple of times and the room came into focus. It was dark outside and I was in a bed.

"Where am I?" I asked, sounding terrible.

"Alia, you're awake! Hey sweetheart, how you feeling?" a voice said next to me.

"Steve?" I asked, groggily.

"Yeah, baby, it's me. You ok?" I turned my head and Steve's face came into view. His gorgeous blue eyes were full of excitement and relief.

"My throat hurts a little. Where am I?" I repeated.

"You're in the hospital baby. What's the last thing you remember?" he asked getting me a drink of water from the table next to my bed.

"I remember sitting against the car with you. How long have I been asleep?"

"Just a couple days," he said calmly.

"A couple days?" I repeated trying to sit up. I felt a searing pain in my side and fell back into the bed, groaning in pain.

"Shh baby, don't try to sit up. You got stabbed remember? And you depleted all of your energy. You needed to have surgery to remove the spear and you needed a few days to recharge. Thor said that was normal. Your dad wanted you taken home but the doctors wanted you close to be monitored. Speaking of I told your dad I would text him when you woke up," he explained grabbing his phone. He typed out a quick message and then put the phone back on the table.

"What happened with Loki?" I asked, looking up at him.

"He's in custody. Thor is going to be taking him to Asgard but he wanted to wait until you woke up before taking him. He wanted to make sure you were ok first," he explained smiling. "Your uncle really loves you."

"Well that makes me feel a lot better knowing that Loki won't be a problem anymore," I said, relaxing. "Have any of them been here since I've been in the hospital?"

"They were all here while you were in surgery but it's almost midnight now, so I sent everyone home to get some rest. I haven't left though. I wanted to be here when you woke up," he whispered, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles.

"Steve, you could have gone home and gotten some sleep," I sighed.

"Nah, i wouldn't have been able to sleep not knowing what was going on," he replied grinning at me.

"You are crazy Steve Rogers," i said rolling my eyes.

"Thats why you love me," he laughed. I laughed with him. Just then the door opened and dad rushed in.

"Alia, you're awake," he sighed in relief. He came around to the other side of the bed and gave me a hug.

"Well that was fast, Steve just texted you," I exclaimed.

"I was already in the hospital. I was going to come up and try and get him to go home and get some sleep again. A fat lot of good it would have done me. He hasn't left since you got here," dad said sternly, looking at Steve.

"I know, he told me," I replied smiling at Steve. He smiled back, rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand. I tried to hide a yawn behind my other hand but it did not go unnoticed by either of them.

"Go back to sleep kiddo, we will be here when you wake up in the morning. I promise," dad said squeezing my hand. I snuggled back up under the blankets and let sleep wash back over me.

For The Love Of A Captain  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now