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I was blown backward away from Steve and my head connected with the wall behind me.

"Geez when am I going to stop getting my head bashed in?" I wondered to myself as I struggled to sit up. Steve was a few feet away from me. He stood up holding on to Tony.

"Put on the suit," I hear him tell Tony.

"Yep, on it," Tony replied rushing out the door. Alarms were blaring and there was smoke everywhere. I coughed and sat up a little more.

"Little one!" Thor's voice called through the smoke.

"I'm here!" I called out and i saw him move through the smoke to get to me. Steve suddenly appeared as well.

"Little one you are bleeding again," Thor stated touching the side of my head. 

"Yeah, I gathered that. What happened?" I asked looking up at Steve.

"I think we are under attack," he replied. I reached up to my comm unit.

"Dad? Dad do you copy? Where are you?" I called.

"I'm headed to the detention level. I think they are here for Loki," he replied. "Alia are you ok?"

"A little bump on the head but I'm ok," I replied. I heard his sigh.

"You stay out of this and get somewhere safe," came his reply. "Like hell," I thought.

"Honey, I'm going to help Tony with the engine. Stay safe and stay away from the fighting please," Steve begged me. I only nodded not looking at him. He lifted my chin up and crashed his lips onto mine before pulling away and running off. I looked up at Thor.

"Come on," I said standing up and running in the opposite direction. I heard the unmistakable roar of the hulk coming from somewhere near us and Thor took off to help. I continued on to the detention level helping where I could and where I was needed. I tried to get dad on the comms again but i wasn't getting through. After a few minutes I met back up with Thor outside of the containment area where Loki was being held. He pushed me behind him as we saw the cage being opened and Loki standing at the entrance.

"NO!" Thor bellowed throwing himself at Loki, before flying right through him and into the cage before the door shut. I ran into the room only to find Loki standing by the control panel.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" he asked him. 

"Loki, let him go and stand down," I said my hands beginning to glow with energy. He turned to look at me looking slightly amused.

"You again," he said with a slight smile. "I am so glad to see you again indeed. I think you could be incredibly useful to me." In a flash he was in front of me. he had the scepter in his hands somehow. He pointed the tip at my chest, but nothing happened. Loki began to look frustrated.

"Why is this not working? Certainly a mere mortal cannot best me," he growled.

"You know as well as I, that she is no mere mortal Loki," Thor said from inside the cage. Loki froze. He turned to look at Thor who nodded and then he turned back to me his expression unreadable.

"Is it true? Is it really you? My beloved sister's daughter?" he whispered, running his hand across my cheek. I ripped my head away from him. He looked wounded for a moment.

"I won't hurt you. You are all that is left of my dear sister. You look so like her," he said softly, tears springing to his eyes. There was a noise that sounded like a gun cocking behind him and I saw dad holding something in his hands.

"Step away from my daughter please," he said politely.

"I don't think now is the time for manners dad," I said sarcastically. 

For The Love Of A Captain  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now