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"Right, army," Tony said quietly.

"Tony, we need to get to the ground. We are sitting ducks up here with me on your back," I said.

"Right. Here take this, put it on your chest and press it twice," Tony said handing me what looked like a little box. I put it on my chest and did as he said and immediately my suit surrounded my body.

"Wow, new suit Tony? Thanks!" I said excitedly. I could tell it had a few new upgrades from the old one.

"Yeah I've been working on that one a while. Can you open a portal to get you to the ground?" he asked.

"Duh, why didn't I think of that?" i said smacking myself in the forehead. I focused my energy and opened a portal and fell through it. Once my feet were on solid ground, i took a little box out of one of the pockets and put the comm piece that was inside it in one of my ears.

"Steve, can you hear me?" I called through the piece?

"Alia? Oh god it is so good to hear your voice," Steve said breathing what sounded like a sigh of relief.

"I'm on the ground, where are you guys?" I asked.

"Headed your way," came Nat's response.

"There's Loki on Stark's tower, it looks like Thor is fighting him. Oh shit, we're hit, we're going down!" Clint called through the comms.

"Where are you I'll open a portal to you?" I asked.

"Looks like we are just outside of Stark tower. we just landed. We are all ok," Steve said.

"I'm coming to you," I replied. I focused my energy again, opening another portal. After I had stepped through it, the first thing I saw was Steve, Nat, Clint and Bruce standing outside of a crashed quinjet. I ran to Steve and jumped in his arms throwing my arms around his neck and crashing my lips to his.

"Are you alright? Did Loki hurt you?" Steve asked frantically once he had pulled away.

"No he didn't hurt me, I'm fine," I said hugging him tightly.

"Not that this reunion isn't sweet and all, but we are kind of in the middle of a battlefield here. Can you maybe do that later?" Clint asked exasperatedly.

"Right sorry," I replied quickly, blushing slightly.

"We've got to get back up there and get that thing closed," Steve said looking up at the tower. As we watched, something huge, scaly, and snarling came out of the portal, hitting the side of a building as it passed.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asked over comms.

"Seeing, still working on the believing part," Tony replied. "You still got Banner with you? Because it might be time for him to suit up."

Just then several of the Chitauri chariots flew by with Loki riding on the leading one.

"He just doesn't know when to stop does he?" I asked, tiredly. "He's really starting to get on my nerves."

"Hey he's your uncle," Clint muttered.

"Not helping," I shot back at him.

"Alright that's enough you two. Those people down there need assistance," he said looking down the street where there was a group of people that were hiding from the creatures. He looked over at Clint and Nat. "You think you can handle things here?"

"Captain, it would be my genuine pleasure," Clint said, readying his bow and arrows. Steve nodded at them and he and I took off to help the civilians. He looked over at me for a second.

"What?" I asked.

"New suit?" he asked, smirking.

"Oh yeah, apparently Tony has been tinkering. You like?" I responded.

"Oh you have no idea how much," he replied with a little groan. I laughed and ran a little faster. We reached the group of civilians and i focused my energy into my hands and started shooting energy blasts at the alien creatures. They were a lot stronger and were doing a lot more damage than normal.

"Ok that's new," I remarked, a little shocked.

"Oh yeah, Thor is going to have to explain about that one when this is over," Steve said throwing his shield and knocking out two of the aliens. I nodded, confused but I was more concerned with the task at hand. Besides I wasn't complaining. This was too helpful right now. I continued to blast away the creatures until we had cleared away a path for the civilians to escape into a building to safety.

We continued down the streets, clearing away as many of the creatures as we could, but it didn't really seem to be making much of an impact. They just seemed to keep coming. At one point it seemed as though Steve and I were overwhelmed by them, until there was a bolt of lightning that came from the sky and knocked out several of the creatures around us and Thor landed a second later, slightly unsteady.

"You ok uncle?" I asked running to his side. He was bleeding on one side slightly, but waved me off.

"I will survive, little one. Loki decided the best method to fend me off was to stab me with a small dagger but the damage was not bad. I am alright," he said wiping a bit of blood off the side of my mouth. "Are you well?"

"I'm ok, but you are going to explain to me why my powers are stronger right?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"Of course little one, as soon as we are done here," he said smiling proudly and patting me on the shoulder. Just then, Nat and Clint came running up to us, and Tony and the Hulk landed near us as well.

"What's the story upstairs?" Steve asked Thor.

"The force around the cube is impenetrable," he replied solemnly.

"Thor's right, we gotta deal with these guys," Tony replied, blasting one of the aliens who had tried to sneak up on us.

"How do we do that?" Nat asked.

"As a team," Steve and I said together.

"I have unfinished business with Loki," Thor interjected.

"Yeah well get in line," Clint and I said together. I shot a smirk at him and he smiled at me.

"Save it," Steve said. "Loki's going to keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him these things could run wild."

"Call it cap," Tony said, looking around for strays.

"Alright listen up, until we can get that portal up there closed, the priority is containment. Barton, I want you up on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you've got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash."

"Want to give me a lift?" Clint asked looking at Tony.

"Right, better clench up Legolas," Tony replied, grabbing him and taking off quickly.

"Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. You've got the lightning, light the bastards up," Steve said turning to Thor. He nodded, swinging his hammer and he also took off.

"Nat, you, Alia and I will stay here on the ground and try to keep them contained. And Hulk," he finished turning to the Hulk. Hulk turned to look at him as he said, "smash." The hulk smiled slightly and leaped off onto a building and began to do exactly that.

"Ok that was probably the hottest thing I have ever seen and I need you to stop so that we can focus on this mission right now," I said to Steve in my mind. "I cannot be held responsible for what happens later though. Just saying." He began to blush behind his mask and laughed a little.

"Oh trust me I won't hold you responsible, but I guarantee, you will enjoy it later," he said back to me in my mind. Now it was my turn to blush.

"Ok you're both blushing and acting weird so I don't even want to know what was just said. Let's just get back to it shall we?" Nat said, sounded grossed out. I laughed a little and focused my energy again and starting blasting away again as the aliens started coming back.

For The Love Of A Captain  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now