3 months later

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It had been three long months of absolute hell. Whoever these HYDRA people were, they weren't messing around. From the moment I woke up, they had wanted information from me. Information on my father, on SHIELD, on Clint and Natasha, and on something called a tesseract. It didn't matter how many times I told them I didn't know anything, they didn't care. When I would try to tell them that I didn't know anything they would hit me whether it was a slap across the face or across my back with a leather strap, they would hurt me with something.

Sometimes I would wake up tied to a chair, other times I would be strapped to a cold metal table. If I was attached to the table, they would inject me with different liquids that would make me feel like my body was on fire and made me feel like I wanted to die. At first I would tell them that my father was coming for me and they would just laugh. After the first few weeks, I began to doubt my own claims. I knew that my dad would never stop looking for me but I began to wonder if he would ever find me. 

One day I woke up on the metal table again. I had been beaten the night before and my left eye was swollen shut and I could tell that my bottom lip had been busted. I could feel the dried blood on my back from where they had cut the flesh of my back until it had bled freely and it was so painful. The cold of the table helped a little and I tried not to move because I knew moving even an inch was going to hurt like a bitch.

"Ah she's awake," said a happy voice. The man that entered the room was a weaselly little man with greasy black hair, a long pointed nose and glasses that made his eyes look like they were way too big for his face. He looked like a greasy rat.

"What's on the agenda today rat man?" I asked sarcastically earning a slap across the face that reopened my busted lip.

"Even after three months you have not learned respect. That seriously needs to change," he said angrily. He shuffled over to his desk and booted up his computer in order to start on his notes for the morning. It was something he always did and I couldn't stand the silence. It didn't matter what I said, he would ignore me for about 20 minutes before he started his daily torture. Today I was so tired, that I decided to just stay quiet.

"Well this is a welcome change," he sneered at me. "No sarcastic comments today?"

"No I decided that I wouldn't waste my breath on a piece of shit like you anymore. It's not worth it," I replied tiredly.

He chuckled and went back to typing on his computer. After about 20 minutes he looked up at me pushing his glasses back up on his nose.

"Alright. Let us begin shall we?" he asked sarcastically. He went over to a table in the corner and rummaged in a cabinet and came over to me with a syringe with some blue liquid in it. 

"Well that's different," I thought to myself. "It's never been blue before." Just as he pushed the needle into my neck there was an explosion in the building somewhere. He pushed the liquid into my body and I felt a new sensation. For once I didn't feel like my body was on fire. It was a pleasant warmth like dipping into a warm bath. After a few seconds I started to feel a small burning but not anything like what I was used to.

"What was that?" the doctor asked whipping around. "Don't go anywhere!" 

"Where else am I going to go? I strapped to a table here!" I snarled sarcastically. I started to feel slightly tired again and thought, "Maybe the old bastard finally just injected me with poison. Maybe they are finally done with me and they will just let me die." 

There was another explosion, and it was closer this time. There was something vaguely familiar about the sound of the explosion but in my fuzzy state of mind I couldn't place it. After a few minutes, the door opened again and I heard a familiar voice.

"Aliana?" I looked up and saw a man standing in the doorway. His face was blurry for a minute but after he came closer I realized who he was.

"Clint?" I asked surprised? "When did you die?"

"What? I'm not dead and neither are you. Come on let's get you out of here," he replied with a sigh of relief. "This is Agent Barton. Package is secured and I'm heading back to base."

He swept me up into his arms. He stopped for a second just inside the door and picked up something on the table and put it in his pocket. Then he carried me out of the room and out of the building. There were a bunch of cars outside and an ambulance. As we came out of the building I heard another familiar voice but this one had a panicked tone.


"Dad," I sighed in relief. Clint handed me to him and he carried me to the ambulance and carefully laid me on the gurney.

"You're alive! Oh honey I was so worried. We've been searching for you for months," he said tears streaming down his face.

"I'm ok dad. At least I am now," I said sleepily.

"Sleep now baby, you're gonna be ok," he said quietly caressing my hair.

I nodded and slipped into the black comfort of sleep.

For The Love Of A Captain  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now