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A few weeks went by and dad was back and forth between base and home. It was hard to keep up. Nat was called on some mission to Russia and Clint was still helping the doctor so I was stuck all by my lonesome whenever dad wasn't home. I figured it was for the best. It would give me more of a chance to work on my sparring and work on my abilities too. I was trying to figure out how to create portals to places farther and farther away. I was averaging about 50 or 60 miles at a time but I was hoping to be able to go further. It would be nice to be able to go to Miami whenever I wanted for a pina colada. I was in the training room one evening when I heard footsteps behind me.

"Aliana," I heard my name. I stopped trying to open a portal and turned to find my dad standing there.

"Hey dad, I think I'm getting better at these portals. I think I managed about 70 miles with this last one," I started.

"Aliana," he repeated.

"I think I might eventually be able to do 100 miles with more practice but I-"

"Aliana something has happened," dad said seriously. I turned to see his face had turned serious but sad at the same time.

"What is it?" I asked getting a little scared now. The last time he had been this serious with me was when my mom had passed away.

"Barton's been compromised," he said sadly. My heart dropped into my stomach and my blood ran cold. I knew Clint and I knew he wouldn't be taken alive.

"Is he..?" I started.

"He's alive but he's...different," dad said shaking his head. 

"What do you mean he's different?" I asked, my brows furrowing in confusion.

"The base was attacked. Some guy called Loki attacked and somehow took over Barton's mind. At least that's what Fury says, I wasn't there to see it for myself," he said.

"So all of this is coming from Fury," I said raising an eyebrow.

"Alia, Clint shot Fury," dad said.

"What? Clint wouldn't do that...Never in a million years would Clint shoot the director," I replied shocked. Clint may not have the highest opinion of Fury but he would never shoot him. "Is Fury ok?" 

"He's fine. That's what bullet proof vests are for," dad replied with a little chuckle.

"Well at least Fury didn't get hurt," I said running a hand through my hair.

"There's more," dad said with a sigh.

"What else could there be?" I asked throwing my hands in the air.

"Base has been destroyed and the tesseract has been stolen," dad replied grimly. My jaw dropped open.

"Woah, that's... that's really bad. Let me guess, the tesseract was what Loki was after?" I asked sitting down on a bench and putting my head in my hands.

"Yes, and now he has it along with Barton and Dr. Selvig. This is really bad honey," dad replied sitting down next to me.

"Does Nat know?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yes I already called her. She's on her way to "collect" someone for Fury. And we need you to do the same thing," he said handing me a file. I took the file and upon seeing the name on the front, I raised an eyebrow and smiled at him. 

"It's a wonder they didn't ask you to get him," I said laughing slightly. He chuckled a little.

"Director Fury thinks that you might come across as a little less, enthusiastic, then I will," he replied with a smile.

"You think he will come? I mean it has been a while for him," I asked opening the file and looking through the info in the file.

"Oh I think so. I think it will be too much of a temptation for him to resist. This is what he was made for. He was so ready to go to war before I think he won't hesitate to want to serve his country again. But this time, its not just his country, its the entire planet," dad said with a sort of reverence. I knew dad was a huge fan but now that he was presented to meet and potentially work with his idol he was going to whatever it took to get him on board. Still looking through the file, I found two pictures one of a skinny boy in an army uniform and then of a tall, muscular man in a red, white and blue costume. He had blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. I wondered what he would be like and whether I could convince him to join us in what was sure to be a fight with Loki.

"Here's an address where you can find him. Do whatever it takes kiddo. We are going to need him for this," dad said handing me a slip of paper.

"I guess I'm going to get Captain America," I said quietly looking down at the pictures again.

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