Plots and Plans

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As we made our way out of the training room, I couldn't get something out of my head. I kept thinking back to the way that Thor and Loki had looked at me on the trip back and Loki's words about how familiar I was to them. It was extremely confusing and it was throwing me off a little.

"Steve," I said as he closed the door behind us.

"Yeah what's up?" he said looking down at me curiously.

"I can't stop thinking about something that Loki said," I replied looking up at him. His eyebrows furrowed and he sighed slightly.

"You know he was just trying to get in your head right? Loki will do and say anything he can to drive a wedge in the team," Steve said gently rubbing his hand on my arm. I sighed.

"If that's the case, then why was Thor giving me extremely weird looks back on the jet when we were headed back? I just get the feeling that there is something that I don't know," I said.

"Well why don't you talk to Thor if you are that confused?" he suggested gently. "Maybe he will have answers for you. I'm not sure what he will be able to tell you but either way I'm here for you." He smiled at me.

"Where have you been all my life?" I asked wrapping my hands around the back of his neck.

"Frozen in ice underwater somewhere," he replied playfully, bending down to press his lips against mine. He kissed me sweetly for just a moment and broke away to look at me. "God woman, what did I do to deserve you?"

"I'm not sure Cap, but to be honest I'm not the person to ask," I replied laughing. He took my hand and we headed toward the main bridge. We passed a few agents on the way. None of them commented on the fact that we were holding hands but one or two did raise an eyebrow and smirk at me. 

As we walked back onto the bridge, I could see that Thor, Nat, and Dr. Banner were all grouped around a table on a lifted platform as though waiting for something. Nat stood up and pulled me aside.

"So you and the captain huh?" she asked smirking. 

"Of course you would ask," I replied rolling my eyes.

"Of course, you are like my sister. Does your dad know?" she asked nudging me playfully.

"Yes and he is supportive of it," I replied. She raised her eyebrows in surprise. "I know, I was surprised too."

"Just be careful," Nat said walking back over to the table. I sat down in a chair next to Steve. He was staring at a screen that was built in to the table and could see that he was watching live security footage of Loki in his cell. After a couple minutes, we watched Fury walk into the detention center. 

"This should be interesting," I muttered to myself. Steve grunted in agreement.

"In case it's unclear," Fury started, walking over to a control panel. He pressed a button that opened a huge hole underneath Loki's cell. Loki walked to the edge of the cell and looked out for a moment before Fury pressed the button again closing the hole. "You try to escape, you so much as scratch that glass, and it's a 30,000 foot drop straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?"

"Ant," he said pointing at Loki. "Boot," he finished pointing at the control panel.

"It's an impressive cage," Loki said with a smirk. "Not built I think for me."

"Built for something a lot stronger than you," Fury retorted.

"Oh I've heard," Loki sneered, looking straight into the cameras as though he could see us all sitting here. "The mindless beast, who makes play he is still a man." I looked up at Bruce at these words and I could see that he was uncomfortable with the way that this was going. I gave him a small smile trying to reassure him. He gave me a sad smile back.

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