Present day

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"Come on Alia, get your foot up higher, you aren't going to kick any sense into Clint with your foot that low!" Nat yelled from the other end of the training room. I grinned, seeing Clint roll his eyes and frown. I adjusted my stance slightly and raised my kick about 6 inches and connected with the side of Clint's head. I heard him grunt in pain and he hit the floor.

"Come on bird brain, it didn't hurt that much," I chuckled to him walking over and holding out a hand to help him up. He swept his legs against mine and I fell back onto my ass.

"Actually it did and I hoped that hurt just as much," he said grinning and rubbing the side of his head gingerly. "Jesus are you wearing steel toed boots or something? That was the hardest you have kicked me in a while."

"Nah just normal shoes. I guess my strength is just getting better," I laughed rolling to my feet. I heard someone clear their throat and turned my head to see my dad standing just behind Nat. 

"Hey kiddo, how's training going?" he asked. 

"It's going good. I got Clint with a good kick to the head before he swept my legs out from under me. I need to remember to pay more attention when it comes to bird brain over here," I chuckled.

"Do you need a medic Barton?" Dad asked laughing slightly, seeing Clint rubbing his head and wincing slightly in pain.

"Nah, its just a little bump, I should be just fine. She's definitely getting better with her power behind her kicks though," Clint said proudly. He was definitely like my big brother. He was the one to take me to get my first drinks when I turned 21 a few months ago. And like a good big brother took the brunt of the attack when my dad found us sneaking in  the house at 4 in the morning with me nearly passed out drunk in his arms. The following morning I had sworn off drinking for the rest of my life.

"Clint, Fury needs to see you. I think he needs you to go to Central to help Dr. Selvig. I'll be there later but the doctor needs your help now. Alia, you and Nat are going to head back to the house but I need to talk to you first," dad said getting a little serious.

"Hey dad what's up, you look upset?" I asked him walking away from Clint and Nat.

"No just concerned. How are things coming with your powers? Any more accidents?" Dad asks putting his arm around my shoulders as we walked out of the training room and into the hallway. There were several agents in the hallway so we waited to discuss anything more until we made it back to dad's office before speaking about it again. Nat and Clint knew about my powers but we tried to keep it on the down low with other random agents.

When I was kidnapped by HYDRA four years ago, they injected me with so many different serums and experimental "treatments" that for a while did not know what the results were going to be. After several months and an ungodly amount of tests by SHIELD scientists, we found that I was able to control minds, create illusions, and I can create portals. I have been working on them over the last few years and I have a pretty good handle on them now but every now and then I lose control when I get overly pissed off or scared. 

"I haven't had an incident in about 6 months which, honestly, seems to be a record," I sighed, finally as we walked into dad's office. He sat down behind his desk while I sat on the side earning myself a look. My dad hates it when I sit on his desk.

"Yeah yeah I know tables are for glasses not asses," I said chuckling but making no attempt to move. He rolled his eyes and sighed but let it go.

"Well that's good, at least you are getting a better grip on it. You doing ok otherwise?" he asked.

"Yeah just trying to stay busy. I'm trying not to think to much about the next couple of months. Its her anniversary in three months and its killing me," I said quietly. Dad sighed sadly and stood up to take me in his arms. It was the anniversary of my mom's death coming up and it was always hard on me.

"She would be proud of you kiddo," he said gruffly, rubbing my back. He held me for another minute before letting go. "I have to get ready to go. Fury has me headed to Central Base to oversee some things and I am going to be there a few days. Go find Nat and you guys hang out at the house. Pizza is on me."

"Thanks dad," I said grabbing my bad from behind his desk. "Call me when you can and when its not absolutely crazy. Remember our deal?"

"Once in the morning and once at night, and if a call can't be made, I'll send a text. I know. Same goes for you," he said rolling his eyes. I laughed and went to find Nat.

For The Love Of A Captain  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now