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I followed dad and Thor into an empty conference room. I could tell that something was up because Thor was visibly anxious. As dad and I sat down at the table, Thor continued to stand and began to pace back and forth across the floor. He did this for several minutes, muttering to himself in a voice so low dad and I could not understand him. I was seriously shocked by all this. I looked over at dad but he didn't look shocked either. He looked as nervous as Thor did.

"Thor," he said slowly. Thor stopped his pacing and looked up at him with a look I couldn't read.

"My apologies. This is not something I ever thought I would face, therefore I am uncomfortable. I do not wish to upset your lives but there are things that you need to know and things that I need to know as well," he started as he sat down.

"Is this what I think it's about?" dad asked looking at him. I looked at dad. Why would he know anything about Thor or why he wanted to talk to us?

"Yes I believe it might," Thor said sadly.

"I thought it would come to this one day. Ever since I met you in New Mexico, I knew this was coming," dad said quietly.

"Ok what is this about?" I asked, seriously confused at this point. They both sighed and turned to me.

"Many years ago, when I was a child living on Asgard, Loki and I were not the only of Odin's children. We had a sister. She was a princess of Asgard, much beloved by her people. She was so beautiful with the most beautiful brown hair and hazel eyes. When she came of age we learned that she was a goddess, just as Loki and I are gods. She was the goddess of Love and it showed. She held love in her soul for every living thing and in many cases brought many people to their soulmates. There were many on Asgard who thought that she was better suited for the throne instead of Loki or myself. She was kind and fair to all, as it was part of her nature. Odin agreed and she was set to become queen. This frightened her as she did not want to be queen. So she fled to Midgard," Thor said. He had not looked at me or dad up until this point. At this point in his story though, he looked up at me with tears in his eyes. 

"I'm sorry what is Midgard?" I asked looking from him to dad and back again.

"Earth, sweetheart," dad explained in a hushed voice. He was also having a hard time looking at me and for some reason there was guilt in his eyes.

"When she fled to Midgard, Odin was enraged. He could not understand how she could leave and not be queen. I along with mother and Loki, tried to calm him but his rage was uncontainable. She was officially exiled and her powers were removed. After sometime his anger had cooled and she was invited home. She returned for a few days only to tell us that she was with child. She had met a man on Earth and had fallen in love. Our father was not as angry as he had been but he was not happy about the child. He gave her a choice and she chose her child and her husband over being queen yet again. After that I never saw her again," Thor finished with tears openly flowing down his face now. My heart was aching for him and I wasn't sure how to comfort him.

"I'm so sorry. I did not know that you had a sister," I said softly. I took his hand and tried to comfort him the best I could. "I'm sorry but I don't understand what that has to do with my dad and I."

"My sister's name was Astrid," he whispered, absolutely refusing to look at me now.

"My mother's name was Astrid," I said smiling at him. "What a small world."

"Honey," dad said looking at me pointedly. I apparently was missing something. He sighed and pulled out his phone. He pulled up a photo of me and mom when I was little. I smiled at the photo, only to see what they were both getting at as it finally clicked in place. I felt a chill run down my spine and I looked up at Thor with my mouth slightly open.

For The Love Of A Captain  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now