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I had no idea where we were going but I knew it couldn't be good. Knowing Loki, it was sure to be something that no one would expect. I looked up at him as we traveled. He seemed agitated, pacing along the length of the jet. He seemed to be upset and I couldn't quite understand what could have gotten him in this state.

"You seem agitated uncle," I said quietly. He stopped pacing and turned to look at me.

"I'm surprised you can think of me in that way after everything that I have done," he replied with venom in his voice.

"As you said, my mother was your sister," I replied back to him looking into his eyes with no fear. He came and sat down next to me. 

"Your mother was my very best friend. She saw in me what no one else wanted to. She saw past my tricks and lies. I could be myself with her in a way I could not with anyone else," he said his voice breaking a bit at the end.

"I miss her too," I whispered taking his hand. "But is this really what she would want for you? Would she really want you to waste your life on something that you cannot have? It's one thing to have dreams, uncle, but to hurt people in order to get them? I know my mother would not have wanted that for you." 

"It's too late for that," he snarled, ripping his hand from mine, leaping to his feet. "Your mother is gone and there is nothing that can change that now. I'm not sure what you hope to achieve by trying to appeal to my better nature, but please, don't."

I lowered my head in sadness, and stayed quiet for a moment. I wasn't sure what else to say to try to help him out of this.

"Besides, there is no stopping the invasion now, even if I did want to. This is what they want and if they don't get it, well, let's just say it won't end well for any of us," he continued, refusing to look at me.

"Where are we even going anyway?" I asked looking out the window of the jet.

"Well, seeing as you cannot flee, I suppose I can tell you," he replied with a smug smile. "We are going to New York."

"New York?" I asked, utterly bewildered. "But you still need a power source for your portal. There isn't anything in New York big enough to-" Suddenly, I stopped remembering the news report from a few days prior. Tony's tower had just become a self sustaining energy source.

"Stark Tower? That's your play? You are going to use Stark Tower as an energy source to power the portal?" I gasped.

"I'm not surprised that you figured it out so quickly. Barton did say how smart you are. I can only imagine you got that from your mother. Your father does not strike me as overly intelligent," he remarked, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, my dad is extremely smart," I snapped at him. He might be my uncle, but I wasn't about to allow him to insult my dad like that.

"You are very much like your mother but you are also very different from her as well. She was never this easily irritated, nor was she this irritating," he said bending down to get in my face.

"What can I say, must be the human in me? Although it could be the Asgardian in me too. You and Thor can be extremely irritating, you especially," I spat.

"Oh but you did inherit her sharp tongue. One of the things I so loved about your mother. Now be a good little one and hush until we get to New York. We should be there soon," he smirked walking away.

I crossed my arms and tried to think of a way to get out of this. He had told me not to teleport or he would hurt someone I loved. I wasn't even going to try to do that. I had no idea where I was and right now I was only averaging about 70 miles for a portal anyway. Trying to portal out could be too dangerous. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I thought of Steve and tried to think of what he could be doing right now. 

For The Love Of A Captain  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now