Got Him

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We made our way back to the quinjet after cuffing Loki. He was suspiciously quiet, and it wasn't sitting well with me. As we led him up the ramp and Tony dumped him unceremoniously into a seat, he smirked at us slightly. As Tony buckled him into the restraint system, it seemed that Loki didn't want to take his eyes off of me. It was slightly creepy and I failed to fight back a shiver. Steve, who had been watching Loki closely since the end of the fight, wrapped an arm around me in what could be seen as a protective way but also slightly possessive. Part of me tingled at the thought of Steve being possessive over me.

"Ok Alia, this line of thinking is getting out of hand," I thought to myself. Steve pulled me over towards cockpit where Nat and the pilot were seated and going through the preflight procedure while Tony was still working on securing Loki.

"Hey you ok?" Steve asked me, looking down at me with a worried look on his face.

"Yeah, he just gives me the creeps. There is something about him that just doesn't sit right with me," I replied quietly.

"Well, the guy is a psycopath, so I'm not sure there are many people he does sit right with," Steve said with a sigh. "Don't feel bad I don't like it either. What did he mean you looked familiar to him? Obviously you have never seen him before."

"I honestly don't know and it has me freaked out a little bit," I whispered to him.

"Well you shouldn't have to worry about him for right now Alia," Tony said as he walked over. "It will take an act of God to get him out of those restraints now."

"Thanks for the assist Tony," I said, smiling at him. "It's good to see you again. What's it been? Two years now?"

"Actually its been two and a half but, you know, who's counting?" Tony said with a shrug. 

"Tony, it was a party, you were drunk, and you tried to get me to stay the night with you," I replied crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. "And my dad had to come and pull you off of your pool table and put you to bed along with Fury and two other agents."

"Yea well, what can I say, I'm not able to hold my own when it comes to a pretty thing like you," he said with a wink. I looked at Steve out of the corner of my eye and could see that his jaw was tight and he looked extremely angry. I could only assume that a man from the 1940s would get upset about a woman being objectified that way. I put my hand on Steve's arm as Tony turned away and smiled at him as he looked down at me surprised. His gaze softened and he stared down at me his eyes moving back and forth between my eyes and my lips, or was I just imagining that. 

"Alright guys let's get back to base," Nat called as we started to get underway.

As the quinjet lifted into the air, I saw Loki lean his head back against the seat and close his eyes. He clearly looked uncomfortable. "Must be scared of flying," I thought with a smug smile to myself. Just then I heard Nat radio into base.

"Has he said anything?" I heard Fury's voice say.

"Not a word," Nat replied.

"Just get him here. We're running out of time," Fury replied.  Nat disconnected from base and looked at me. I could tell what she was trying to say. We were running out of time to save Clint and figure out what Loki was planning. As my thoughts went back to Clint again for the hundredth time in days, I wondered where he could be. 

"I don't like it," Steve said suddenly. I looked up at him surprised.

"What? Rock of ages giving up so easily?" Tony asked in his sarcastic tone. He seemed overly annoyed by the whole situation which was odd. I mean Tony was very easily annoyed and was always annoying but this was just different.

"I just don't remember it being that easy. This guy packs a wallop," Steve said quietly, looking back at Loki questioningly. 

"Still, you are pretty spry for an older fellow," Tony said mockingly. "What's your thing, pilates?"

"Tony," I said warningly.

"What?" he asked innocently looking at me. He looked back at Steve's confused face and said, "It's like calisthenics. I guess you would have missed a few things, doing time as a capsicle."

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in," Steve said in clipped tones, standing up to his full height. I stepped in between the two men slightly to keep the peace without them noticing.

"Yeah there's a lot of things that Fury doesn't tell you," Tony snapped back, puffing out his chest, almost hitting me in the head in the process.

Just then, the jet jolted around and I was almost thrown to the floor as lightning filled the sky around us. Steve caught me before I hit the floor and helped to steady me on my feet.

"Thanks," I said, smiling up at him. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Loki looking out the windows at the lightning, trembling slightly.

"What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" I asked sarcastically.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows," he said quietly.

The jet lurched again as something landed on top of us with a huge thud. Loki jumped worst of all of us and trembled slightly again. Tony closed the helmet on his suit and opened the back of the jet to check and see what had hit us. As he moved to go and check, a large man with blonde hair and wearing what looked like armor and a red cloak landed inside the jet. Upon seeing this man, Loki shrank back as far as he could into his seat. Tony raised his hands in warning to this newcomer but the man threw what looked like a hammer at Tony knocking him off of his feet.

"Tony! You ok?" I called to him. He lifted a hand with a lazy thumbs upas he struggled to get to his feet as the man in the armor snatched Loki from his seat and jumped out of the plane with him. 

"And now there's that guy," I mumbled to myself sarcastically.

"Another Asgardian?" Nat called from the front. 

"Think he's a friendly?" Steve called over the noise of the wind.

"It doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the tesseracts lost," Tony said angrily walking towards the back of the jet, readying himself to go after them.

"Stark, we need a plan of attack," Steve yelled.

"I have a plan. Attack," Tony replied. And with that he took off out of the jet after Loki and the other man.

"I'd sit this one out Cap," Nat called as Steve and I prepared to jump. "You too, Alia."

"Don't see how we can," I replied. "We need Loki to get the tesseract. And Clint."

"These guys come from legends they're basically gods," she replied in a last ditch effort to get us to change our minds.

"There's only one god ma'am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that," Steve said as he grabbed his shield. And with that we jumped out of the jet one after the other in search of Loki and the others.

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