A Step In The Right Direction

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Steve and I made our way towards the main deck. It wasn't far from where we were and as we walked things became a little awkward. The halls were getting smaller and smaller so we were forced to get closer. At one point our hands brushed against each other, and once again I felt the sparks as our skin touched. I pulled my hand back as a blush crept up my neck and into my face. He pulled his hand back as well with a confused look on his face as he tried, and failed, to not look at me. I avoided his eyes as we walked onto the main deck. As the magnitude of the room washed over him, Steve's jaw dropped. I looked down as I hid a small smile. I could only imagine how he was feeling. As a secret government facility we had access to technology that other agencies only dreamed of. I was sure that Steve could never have even dreamed of any of the things he was seeing around him. 

"You weren't kidding in the gym," he said, pulling a ten dollar bill out of his wallet and handing it to me, still looking awestruck. I smirked a little more and he chuckled at me. "Is that your way of telling me I told you so, Aliana?"

"I suppose you could say that," I said quietly, smiling up at him. When I was this close to him, I couldn't believe the effect he had on me. My breath caught in my chest and my heart started to race as I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes. He stared into my eyes for another moment before we heard someone clear their throat behind us. We jumped apart as my dad walked up to us. 

"I take it you gave him a tour of the facility, Alia?" dad asked, with a little frown. I wasn't quite sure what that was about but I nodded. I noticed that Steve smiled a little at my nickname. I pushed it out of my mind for the moment. It was time to work.

"Yes, sir I have showed Steve where everything is and he is well informed of how things are run around here," I said trying to put my agent face on. Dad looked at me with an unreadable expression for a minute and then turned away. 

"We're at lock, sir," I hear Maria Hill call out to Fury.

"Good. Let's vanish," he replied. She nodded and turned to the control panel. After a moment, the outside of the helicarrier's surface switched to reflective panels. We were effectively invisible to the naked eye.

"Woah, it keeps getting stranger," I heard Steve mutter behind me. I smirked again. "So no one can see us up here?"

"Nope and we have beacon and radar jammers as well. If someone tries to sweep for us, their equipment won't work. One of the perks of being SHIELD," I replied with a grin. I turned around to see Fury and Banner talking about calibrating spectrometers for gamma radiation but right as I had opened my mouth to suggest something, I saw Clint's face on one of the screen's and everything in my mind went blank. 

I couldn't understand how one of SHIELD's best agents had been compromised so easily. Clint never would have given up and been taken alive like this. Clint knew the dangers of being taken alive. We had once made a promise to each other to never put the other in that kind of danger because we knew that any enemy of SHIELD would use one of us as leverage to get what they wanted. 

"Where are you Clint?" I muttered to myself, crouching down to look at the information on the screen. Just then there was an alarm and I heard Agent Sitwell yell out.

"We got a hit. Sixty-seven percent match. Wait, seventy-nine percent."

"Location?" Fury said quickly while Nat and I were immediately on our feet.

"Stuttgart, Germany. 28, Konigstrasse. He's not exactly hiding," Sitwell replied, obviously confused.

"Rogers, Fraser, you're up. Fraser, show the Captain where his uniform is," Fury shouted at me as I was already headed towards the armory. Steve rushed to keep up.

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