Chapter 8 - Part 2

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Thanks to Blake for booking my flight in advance, I was lucky enough to get a business class ticket and board the flight early. All the better and to save me from bumping into Jessica.

The call ended abruptly with Michael since I was trying to run away. I let out the biggest sigh of relief once I was seated on the flight, my body jumped when my phone started to vibrate, it was my mum calling. I answered the call and kept a lookout for Jessica so I know when to block my face, "Hello darling, are you on your flight ?" She greeted. "Hii.. I was actually just about to phone you. I am indeed on the flight. It's a 6 hour and 15 min journey" I said.

"Did you eat some-" "Oh shit" I said under my breath. "What happened ?" She asked concerned. "Jessica is coming my way" I said as I pulled my hood further and turned my back towards the aisle so she wouldn't see me. I felt her presence pass by me as well as the guy trailing behind her. I side eyed the aisle, luckily she's actually gone.

"Hello" I said as an indicator to continue. I peeped behind me and to my joy, she's in the last row of the cabin. "What happened ?" She asked. "Nothing to worry about now, she's gone" I sighed. "Well, are you excited ?" She asked enthusiastically. "Am I excited ? Heck yeah I am. After all the drama I've been through with you know who recently, I need a break from him and besides that, it would be nice to see the boys again after so long, it really changes our friendship" I smiled. "I'm hoping to hear you come back home saying that you have a boyfriend" she joked.

"Mom !" I scoffed. "What ? I want to live to see my daughter settle down and eventually get married. I need to look after my grandkids !" She said. "Now this is where the conversation draws the line...I'm gonna go now because I need to send Blake a message. Please pray for my safety, that's all I ask for" I said. "Alright then, stay safe as always and have fun. Call me when you land or when you're settled in" she said lastly. "Don't worry, I know..I will. Love you. Byeee" I said before ending the call.

I messaged Blake that I was on the flight and the estimated time of my arrival, I just needed to know from him if I needed to catch a taxi or if my transport is already arranged. From waking up early and not eating a proper breakfast I was exhausted. I mean I should be used to this by now since this is my life pretty much every work day but I guess I feel worse right now because my period is around the corner.

I switched my phone to airplane mode and fastened my seatbelt, before I knew it I was asleep. I pretty much slept through out the flight except for when I was woken up to eat. It was then that I checked my message from Blake, he said that he was going to pick me up. Well thank god.

When we had finally landed, you best believe that I was ready to move. By that I mean I was ready to speed walk and Usain Bolt my ass to passport control, get my suitcase and leave.

I'm so relieved that I only had my backpack right now so it's so much easier to move about. I was one of the first passengers done at passport control and getting my suitcase. I don't think I let out a bigger sigh of relief than in this moment when I saw Blake's face from afar. I quickly ran over to him and engulfed him in a hug. "Omg it's so good to see you ! Thank you for coming all this way to pick me up" I said in excitement. "It's great to see you too. We all missed you" he said. We hugged going back and forth in a circle, when we broke away that's when I noticed Jessica not so far away. "Okay before I say anything further, can you please lead the way so we can get out of here ?" I said as I then pulled my hood over my head once again.

"Right this way ma'am" he joked as he held out his arms in direction of the double doors leading outside, he grabbed my suitcase from my hand and walked beside me. After walking across to the parking and getting seated, I just so happen to glance out the window to see her walk into the parking area. "Blake, get in here quick !" I yelled. "I'm just trying to make room for your bag to fit since I have DR's stuff here as well" he said from the back. Oh no. "Okay, sorted !" He yelled as he shut the boot door and got into the drivers seat. I was trying my best to stay calm but I don't think I was doing too well with looking like it.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝘋. 𝘙𝘪𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘰Where stories live. Discover now