Chapter 9 - Part 1

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The rest of the evening didn't have any fireworks, just a very casual and general conversation between everyone about the upcoming race. Daniel, however, did ask concerned when I was seated if everything is okay, to which I smiled and said everything is fine.

After dinner we all went back to the hotel and called it a night. I was tired as per usual and was in no mood for late night conversations so I said goodnight to the boys and was out like a light in my room.

I surprisingly got up quite early which wasn't even necessary since all the events here are mainly taking place in the evening. I spent some time replying to all my messages, emails and scrolling through my notifications on Instagram. I was in literal shock as to how quickly my instagram following grew in just a few days. It was nice to see a lot of sweet comments, mainly people asking for more Daniel content which I'm more than happy to provide to the people.

I noticed Hero replied to one of my stories, it was of the empty paddock. He replied, "Having fun without me ?" I shook my head and rolled my eyes. I left him on read. Once I start replying to his messages then he's going to continuously message me. I could easily block him but at the same time I want him to see my stories. Scrolling through my unopened DM's, I totally forgot to repost Ashton's Instagram story from dinner. It was a video of Ashton for a few seconds before the camera pans to me, I just did the usual pout and peace sign.

I laughed to myself when I read his caption 'With my new bestie'. I know what he's doing. I reposted his story and within a minute, I got a notification from Hero. 'Is that Katherine's ex ?'

I hesitated if I should leave him on read but I thought why not reply back with a stupid answer and leave it there. 'No, you're mistaken, it's my brother'. He immediately read it and I could just tell another reply was coming my way. 'You don't have a brother' he replied. My point exactly. I wasn't going to reply further and left the chat. I finally jumped out of the bed and thought of going for a run to kill some time. I got dressed into a pair of leggings and a tank top, just as I was tying my shoe laces I thought of giving Michael a call. Hopefully he can give me some company this morning.

"Ciao" he greeted. "Morninggg Mickey. What you doing ?" I asked. "Well I'm currently going downstairs, was just about to go for a run" he said. "Okay perfect ! Wait for me. I'll be downstairs in like 2 minutes" I pleaded. "Alright, see you" he said lastly just as I ended the call. I lastly tied my hair into a ponytail and made my way downstairs to meet Michael in the lobby as he mentioned on text.

"Helloooo" I nudged his arm. "Well hello to you too, how nice of you to accompany me this morning" he smiled. "Slept early and got up early, I couldn't possibly spend my whole morning in bed so I'm glad I caught you at the right time" I followed him as we made our way outside. "I'm glad as well because that means-" he paused to frantically rub his hands together "it's time to interrogate you" he grinned as he wiggled his brows. "Interrogate ?" I furrowed my brows in confusion. "No playing dumb, I have loads of questions to ask you and I expect answers" he said. I sighed, "Okay well throw them at me."

"So the elephant in the room, since when have you started liking Daniel ?" He asked. "Hmm...honestly I couldn't tell you when because I really can't remember. I've always liked him but I guess spending more time with him obviously made my feelings for him grow more" I said. I can't believe we're having this conversation. "Sweet and what do your parents have to say ?" He questioned. "Well mum approves only after I spoke about him to her. Initially she quite liked you as her potential son-in-law" I stifled a laugh.

"Wait, me ? You mean I stood a chance ?" He asked dramatically. "Yes Mikey, you did" I giggled. "It's funny you mentioned that because my mum thought the same about you" he smiled. "No way ! Are you saying that I stood a chance to be your wife ? Oh my god !" I fangirled. "Well now that we know, (Y/N), I love you so much. Will you be mine ?" He added on to the drama. "If it means making our mums happy then yes !" I jumped and hugged him. We both then burst into laughter. Imagine if we were actually dating, what would our mums have to say ? It's a dream come true ? Two best friends got there kids married to each other... lol.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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