Chapter 4 - Part 2

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It was 8am by the time I got home and by the looks of it, my parents are still asleep. Usually my mum is up early to make breakfast for the 3 of us but I guess they stayed up to unpack whilst I went to sleep.

I had a shower, did my quick everyday makeup and then proceeded to blowdrying my hair straight. I then got dressed into a light pink blouse and a black pencil skirt before slipping into my black heels.

I could honestly rock up in pyjamas if I wanted to but unfortunately I have to dress professionally to look like an actual boss. I checked my phone to see that I received 2 missed calls from Michael and countless messages. I smiled and shook my head as I slipped my phone into my handbag and made my way downstairs. My parents will know I'm not around or they'll call so theirs no need for me to write a note for them. I grabbed my car keys and was already on my way to work.

Just as I thought a small pile laid on my desk. The work ain't going to do itself and I'd like to be home early so that my sleeping pattern is somewhat normal again. By 12pm I noticed my parents had walked in to the office.

"Nice to see you two are finally up" I smiled as they entered. "Well we would've been here earlier if we hadn't unpacked last night and decided to be a sleeping beauty like yourself" my mum said. "Excuse me for being tired but I got the job done" I said as I raised my hands in defence. "Did you really ?" My dad asked as he raised a brow.

"Believe it or not, your sleeping beauty was up from 4:30. I unpacked, went for a jog and had a coffee on the way so can we have a round of applause for me being productive" I said with a wide smile on my face. "Unbelievable but good for you" my dad said as him and my mum clapped for me.

"Did you'll bring lunch because I'm starving" I pouted. "Lunch is in the kitchen" my mum said as she placed her handbag onto her desk. "Well, did you'll eat ?" I asked. "No we didn't" my dad answered. "Okay great then let's go eat" I said as I got up from my desk and pulled my parents with me to the kitchen.

I had smashed avocado on toast with cherry tomatoes for lunch whilst my parents had a sandwich. I know we're like polar opposites at the moment but I have to detox for about a week until I can eat whatever I want again since going overseas and not worrying about what I'm eating.

"So guess who I saw this morning ?" I said with my mouth full. My dad gave me a warning glare which I simply gulped my food and waited for them to question me. They just shrugged their shoulders. "Hero" I said lowly. "Oh" they both said loudly in surprise. "What did he want ?" My mum asked curiously. "He asked me how was our trip and if he can take me out for dinner tonight but just as friends" I said at the end to reassure them.

"Absolutely not" my dad said as he continued eating. I just huffed and glanced at my mum. "Does he know he doesn't have a chance ?" She asked which made me stifle a laugh. "He clearly isn't giving up even after knowing I have a boyfriend" I shook my head. "What boyfriend ?" My parents asked simultaneously. "Daniel lied about being my boyfriend when he called me so now he believes it and to the rest of the world I'm apparently dating Michael" I said casually.

"I don't mind either" my mum said happily. "Same" my dad said after. "It's all a joke if I have a chance with either of them" I scoffed. "You never know, both of their mums seem to love you and well not forgetting them" my mum said which made me roll my eyes. "Oh god" I said as I looked down at my food and started blushing. "I will not accept you dating Hero after what he did to you" my dad said protectively. "So are you going to go ?" My mum asked.

"Well I didn't think about it but I don't want to" I said uninterested. "I think you should go" my mum said which made my dad and I look at her in shock. "Why ?" I asked confused. "Just to see what you can get out of him. To what extent will he go to get you to forgive him" she said. "Hmm interesting but like I don't want to waste my time or his" I said as I folded my arms and sat back against the chair. "Then just don't say anything, let's see what happens" my mum said. I nodded my head in reply, "Good talk guys" I smiled as I left my plate in the sink and walked back to my desk.

So much for trying to finish early, I only got done with my work at 5:45pm. I worked overtime basically. My parents waited until I was done with my work so we could all leave at the same time and plus I had to make sure that the office was locked properly.

The first thing I did when I got home was kick off my heels and lay on my bed. Time literally flew today and well I was so busy that I didn't even check my phone almost the whole day. Just as I shut my eyes my phone had started ringing as well as my desktop computer. I'm getting a Skype call and that could only be one of two people, Michael or Daniel.

I managed to get myself off the bed and sat on my swivel chair before answering the call on my computer. "Oh hello" I answered as I wiggled my brows. I was surprised to see them both sat together at a table. "Where did you go looking like that ?" Daniel asked. "I went to work- see" I said as I stood up and pulled my skirt down to do a quick 360.

"Oooh fancy" Michael said which I could help but smile. "I've never seen you dressed for work but I dig the look, not your usual" Daniel said which I was stunned. "Well thank you" I smiled. "Now what have we missed from earlier ?" Michael asked as he raised a brow. "Okay well I don't know how update Dan is-" I started but he cut me off. "I'm updated, Mike told me so continue" he said interested. "Oh okay then...well he asked me how my trip was, how's my boyfriend doing-" I rolled my eyes which made them both laugh. "-and if I'll go out with him for dinner tonight" I said as I held my face in my hands.

"And what did you say ?" Daniel asked eagerly. "I said I'll let him know and he said he won't take no for an answer" I shook my head. "He ain't buying our story" Daniel said. I nodded my head, "The boy has some balls to ask even after talking to us" Michael said in shock. "He ain't afraid of you both, he still thinks he can win me over" I sighed. "He cheated on you so it's okay to hurt him just a little" Michael said. "Yeah just make him think he can still shoot his shot" Daniel said. "You both are clearly siding with my mum, did she tell you'll something ?" I asked as I raised a brow. "And why would you say that ?" Michael asked. "Because she said the same, if not, similar to what you both just said. Basically lead him on" I said.

Just then the door bell went off. "Looks like someone's at the door" Michael said as he leaned back on the chair. "I'm in no mood right now to talk to guests, I'm so jet lagged and hungry" I pouted. "(Y/N), you have a visitor !" My mum yelled. "I have a visitor ?" I questioned in confusion. "It's the drip" Daniel said which him and Michael started laughing. "No way" I said as I shook my head vigorously. Just then their was a knock at my room door. Dan was right.

"Hello" he smiled as he walked into my room. "Hero, what a surprise to see you here" I said. "Surprise ? I called and messaged you so many times about dinner but I thought you were busy so I thought of coming here" he said as he walked closer and took a glimpse at my computer. "And the drip it is" Daniel said as he ran a hand through his hair, his Aussie accent becoming stronger. "Oh look we have here" Michael said in a strong Aussie accent. I gave them both a look, trying not to laugh but look serious at the same time before looking at Hero.

"Hero, I'd like to properly introduce you to Daniel and Michael" I smiled which they both simply waved. "Nice to finally meet you both" he nodded his head. "I'm the boyfriend by the way" Daniel said as he held a hand up. "Am I supposed to be intimidated ?" Hero asked, raising a brow which my mouth hung open. Both of them shared a look before looking at me. "I don't expect you to be if I'm not standing in front of you right now" Daniel said. "Mate I suggest you watch your mouth" Michael butted in.

"Okay fair enough. You don't mind if I take your girl out for dinner then" Hero said as he lowered his face and placed his arms on either side of me on the edge of the table. "If you treat her as nothing but just a friend then yeah" Daniel said as he folded his arms. Michael and I shared a look, we are both feeling uncomfortable and somewhat a third wheel between these two having it out.

Just then, the last person I ever want to see, comes into the frame. "Hey, when are we going out ?" Jessica asks as she wrapped her arm loosely around Daniels neck. I'm sorry but are you fucking kidding me right now. Are they fucking or are they fucking dating ? Excuse my language...

My heart just felt like it shattered into a million pieces. I wanted this conversation to end. I don't want to see this. "You know what Hero, lets go" I said as I faked a smile at them and then turned to smile up at him. "You're going ?" Daniel and Michael asked in unison. "Yeah I think I need to get out of the house. Bye boysss" I waved before blowing them a kiss and ending the call.

"Wait are we seriously going out ?" Hero asked in astonishment. "Yeah why not" I asked as he then moved back for me to stand up. I slipped into my heels and grabbed my purse along with my phone. "Alright then" he grinned as he held my room door open for me to walk ahead of him.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝘋. 𝘙𝘪𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘰Where stories live. Discover now