Chapter 3 - Part 4

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A day later, I still haven't spoke to them and nor has my mother told me what they spoke about. It's still playing on my mind and gosh I wish it was easy to forget about it but unfortunately not. I need to get to the bottom of this.

Work today has been no different than yesterday, nothing interesting unfortunately happened. Hopefully when I get home my mother has some news for me.

Dropping my car keys and handbag onto the kitchen counter, I furrowed my brows when I saw 3 luggage's against the wall. Walking over to the lounge and seeing my parents for once watching TV together, very chilled out and very rare to see as well. Somethings up.

"Interesting to see you both over here" I said as I took a seat between them on the couch. "May I ask where you guys are going seeing those 3 bags over there" I glanced between the both of them.

"2 of them are already packed, I took the day off today to do that, the 3rd one is for you" my mother said casually. "For me ? Where am I going ?" I asked confused.

"Did you not tell her yet ?" my dad asked just as confused as me. "No, otherwise she wouldn't agree" she replied. "Uhh hello. I'm still here" I waved my hands in her face.

"What could I possibly not agree to ?" I asked as I stood up and looked between them. "Okay so you asked what Daniel, Michael and I had discussed yesterday that I wasn't telling you but instead told your father..." she trailed. "Yes, continue" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest, eager to hear what she has to say next.

"Well, Daniel had insisted that we all flight out to Melbourne for the race this weekend !" She said enthusiastically. "And what made you think that I would agree to this ?" I asked as I raised a brow. "Now you don't have a choice honey because we're coming with you, theirs no excuses" she said.

"You guys go. I'll stay at home" I faked a smile and started walking away. "(Y/N) !" My dad called. I stopped and turned on my heel to face them again. "Your dad and I haven't been to a race before whereas you always get the opportunity. Daniel is such a sweetheart for inviting us all. Him and Michael even apologised for the way they acted" she cooed. "I don't know what it is with you mum's having a soft spot for boys. Daniel told you that, not me. I'm really happy it's your first race but ugh I really don't want to go this once" I huffed.

"You have no say now, it's too late since it's already confirmed" she said as she crossed her legs over. "Is this a joke ?" I asked as I looked at my dad in hopes he would tell me this is all just a prank and that I'm not being punished. "Nope, now start packing your bags. We leave at 7pm for the airport" my dad said plainly. Damn.

So much for thinking I won't see them for a good while. This weekend can only get worse if I see her. Let's hope this somewhat goes well.

✧ ✧ ✧

After taking a flight from London Heathrow to Dubai, we had to wait in transit for 3 hours - not too bad - before taking a flight to Melbourne.

We arrived on Thursday evening, I was already jet lagged since I didn't get much sleep on the flight - one of my many struggles - plus the difference in time zones is something else.

To think that I'd be lucky not to see them today at least and rather tomorrow, I had totally forgot that my mother had both Daniel and Michael's phone numbers to keep in contact with them about my whereabouts. Well, their goes my plans to sleep for the evening.

"While you both wait here for Dan and Mikey. I'll be taking a taxi to the hotel" I faked a smile and started walking away with my bag. "(Y/N) !" My mum called. "What ?" I asked as I turned to look back at her. "Stop being stubborn and just wait" she said rather sternly.

"I'm tired and I don't have the patience right now" I said as I waved a hand and started walking backwards until I hit a firm chest. I was just about to apologise to the stranger when an all too familiar voice asked, "And where are you off to ?" Daniel.

My mouth hung open when I turned around to see Daniel and Michael. Are you kidding me ? "Missed us ?" Michael asked as he raised his brows. "Not at all" I faked a smile and crossed my arms over my chest. "Come here you" Michael said as he stepped closer and engulfed me in a hug.

I guess all I needed was a hug since I forgot about being mad at them for the past 2 days. Whilst hugging Michael I looked at Daniel which he gave me a small smile. I also heard footsteps walking towards us which must be my parents. "You're still mad about the other day, aren't you ?" Michael asked as he still had his arms wrapped around me.

I shook my head, "I was, up until now" I said I released from our hug to give him a smile. "You can't blame us, we wanted to meet up and see you after so long whilst you're trying to make every excuse not to fly over here" Michael said. Oh boy you don't know.

"Well you both were clever to ask my mum knowing she wouldn't say no" I said as I glanced over at my mum. "Not my idea, all Dan's" Michael said as he too glanced at the 3 of them before us. My mum kissed Daniel's cheek as my dad shook his hand.

Whilst my parents greeted Michael, Daniel turned to look at me. "So I don't get a hug, but he does ?" He asked in disbelief. I couldn't help but smile then playfully hit him, "Shut up" I said before engulfing him in a hug.

"We missed you" he said lowly. "Don't know if I can say the same since I was forced to come here" I said playfully. "In that case-" he said before throwing me over his shoulder and grabbed my luggage.

"Daniel ! Put me down" I yelled as I hung upside down. "Not just yet" he laughed as he continued walking to the car park, earning stares from many strangers. They probably think we're deluded.

My parents and Michael were having a good laugh about our trip but also at how I hung upside down. When he stopped at the car he put me back into my feet, "I hate you" I said as I ran my fingers through my hair. "Sure you do" he chuckled. I wish I could.

Am I winning if my dad already likes Daniel from the first time I invited him over to our house ? I'll take it as a win. Well, he also likes Michael, ugh god only knows what's going to happen.

I was brought back from my daydreaming state when Michael ruffled my hair. "Oh thanks for that" I faked a smile. "You're welcome babe" he smiled back as him and Daniel packed our luggage. I noticed my dad look between Michael and I before jumping into the car. "Are you mad ? You guys can't call me that in front of my dad !" I whisper yelled to both him and Daniel.

"Chill out, it doesn't look like he has a problem with it" Michael laughed. "Oh but he sure must be raging inside" I shook my head before jumping into the back alongside my parents. Daniel sat in the passengers seat while Michael drove.

"Fancy seeing you not driving for once" I said as Michael started driving to the hotel. "Need a break before tomorrow" Daniel said as he looked at me from the rear view mirror. "Thank you once again Daniel for having us over this weekend" my mother spoke up. "I can finally tick this off my bucket list" my dad said. I glanced between my parents before looking forward again. "It's my pleasure, thank you for coming. My parents are also looking forward to meeting you'll tomorrow" He smiled. "Likewise" my mum smiled.

When we finally arrived at the hotel, their was luckily no need to check in as Daniel's manager, Blake, had already sorted it out. I noticed Daniel handing my parents one room card, "3 of us in one room ?" I asked confused. "About that..." Michael trailed. "What ?" I asked as I looked between everyone before setting my eyes on him. "You're sharing a room with us" Daniel smiled. "Excuse me ?" I asked in shock.


A/N: Can you tell how much yo' girl loves cliffhangers ☺️ lol sorry guys but I promise I shall update soon. Love you guys ! Be sure to comment your thoughts on this part .xx

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