Chapter 8 - Part 5

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"Hmm" I hummed as I tried to think to myself whether or not to tell Michael the truth. Is it too soon ? Can I trust Michale with something so big ? I mean I do trust him, but will he snitch on me. "Oiii" he snapped his fingers and held my arms as he shook me back to reality. "What are you hiding ?" He asked curiously. "Nothing Mikey" I said sweetly as I batted my lashes. "Don't get sweet with me" he huffed as he rolled his eyes. "Is it working ?" I asked as I continued my façade. "Yes and no" he said annoyed with a more serious look.

"What are we talking about ?" Daniel came out of nowhere and butted into our conversation. Speak of the devil. "Food" I quickly answered. "Enlighten me" Daniel said. "Mikey said that I need to change my diet" I lied. Michael's eyes were still focused on me, trying to read almost as to what I'm hiding I guess. "Interesting" Daniel furrowed his brows and said hesitantly. "Why though ?" He asked even more confused. "Yeah explain Mikey" I said as I widened my eyes at him to play along. "I suggested that she should start toning up and get a little bit of muscle so she needs to up her protein" Michael smiled. "Hmm okay, well whatever makes you happy" Daniel shrugged and smiled at me. He then pulled on his balaclava, followed by his helmet, "That's my queue to leave this conversation, see you guys later" he said as he left for FP1.

"Byeee and goodluck !" I yelled before turning to a grinning Michael. "What ?" I asked as I furrowed my brows. "Oh my shit" he half laughed. "Huh ?" I said even more confused. "I fucking cracked it" he said proudly. "Can you stop making it seem that what you're talking about is so damn obvious and tell me what the hell is going on" I said annoyed. He pulled me with him out of the garage and to the hallway where it was a little more quieter.

"I know who you like" he smiled proudly. "Oh yeah ? Hit me" I nodded at him. "It's Mr. Enchanté" he said. Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. "Are you talking about Daniel ?" I raised a brow with a straight face. I need to stay calm and try to be as serious as I can. One smile or laugh from me and I give up the game.

"Obviously, well that's now his new code name !" He said. I burst out laughing, "Oh my god are you insane ? How could you think that ? Dan is just a friend and nothing more" I reassured him. I don't have it in me to confess right now. "Oh my god you're such a liar !" He pointed at me as he started laughing. I managed to keep a straight face, "I'm not lying" I said seriously. "Am I actually wrong for once ?" He asked seriously as he stopped laughing. "Yes, yes you are. Good try though I guess" I said as I patted his shoulder. "Then who the fuck is this mysterious guy that you have your eye on ?" He asked as he started to grow upset. Someone hand me my Oscar for the great lies I've kept from people all these years.

If you haven't already noticed, I can literally keep up a lie with everyone but my mum. That woman knows me too well. She knows me better than I know myself to be honest.

"So this may sound crazy. I wouldn't say I'm super keen on him, it's just really vicious and devious of me. I guess you could call this my villain era" I smirked. He rolled his eyes at me, "Cut to the chase." "So Hero has a best friend who actually liked me first before Hero did. Really hot guy and a real gentleman, much better guy than Hero. His name is Callum, a real cutie. I plan on getting with him to break Hero's heart" I shrugged.

"What did I just hear ?" he said baffled. "Have you lost your mind ? Where has the sweet and innocent girl I've known disappeared to ? (Y/N/N) this isn't you" disappointment clear in his voice. "Chill out, I know what I'm doing. Who knows, maybe Callum and I could actually turn out to be a legit couple. He ticks all of my boxes and Hero needs a taste of his own medicine. I don't mean to sound arrogant but I know Hero won't drop the topic of us even though he's acting like he's trying. I was way to nice and stuck by him through all his nonsense, I looked passed so many things he did in hopes that he would change and prove to me that he could be a better person. I mean look, its been so many years and he's still on my tail" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝘋. 𝘙𝘪𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘰Where stories live. Discover now