Chapter 2 - Part 4

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After our brief introduction, Michael pulled us both by our hands along with him inside the club. Probably not the ideal place to meet someone but I couldn't care right now, I just came here for a good time and to make the most out of my trip.

We stopped at the bar, their was only one empty bar stool so I decided to take the seat whilst Daniel and Michael stood on either side of me as they leaned against the counter. "What do you want ?" Michael asked as he glanced at me. Just when I was about to answer him, the bartender was now stood in front of us. "Hi there. Can I have a martini and 2 beers please ?" I requested. "Coming right up" the guy smiled at me as he walked off. "How did you know what we wanted ?" Daniel asked as he glanced at me. "Well, I've seen pics of you before where you always have a beer in your hand and also Michael always orders a beer whenever he's drinking" I yelled over the music.

He raised his brows as he was quite surprised possibly because I actually know him, maybe he didn't expect that. "Speaking about that, you clearly watch F1. What got you into it... I'm assuming your dad ?" He asked intrigued. "Yeah I've actually been watching it from a really young age, it was actually to distract me whilst my mum would get busy with work. I ended up really loving it as I grew older so yeah it's all thanks to my dad" I said as I leaned back a little. "Ahh okay interesting...which driver are you a fan of ?" He asked as he grinned. "I saw this coming. I love quite a few of them but I'd say Seb and Lewis. Sewis warms my heart" I pouted as I placed my hand on my heart.

"Wow" Michael said from beside me. "I'm actually hurt" Daniel said as he frowned. "Oh...OH my bad. Of course from your team I'd pick you" I said in an obvious tone. "How do we not know that you are a fan of Max ?" Michael asked as he wiggled his brows. "If I was, then I would've left by now" I said sarcastically as I glanced at my phone to check the time. "Ooooh, I felt that" Daniel said as he placed a hand to his chest. "Did you feel that Michael ?" Daniel asked in a mocking tone. "I sure as hell did mate" Michael said dramatically as he faked a pang of pain in his chest. "I hate you both already" I rolled my eyes as I leaned against the glass counter.

Just then the bartender came back and slid the drinks towards us, mine in particular being served in almost slow motion and the last. I gave the bartender a weirded out look, "I'd like to know the name of the gorgeous woman in front of me" he grinned. Daniel and Michael shared a look before looking at the bartender. "(Y/N)" I said plainly. "Beautiful name...I'm Jackson, is their a possibility to go out with a beauty like yourself and get to know you better ?" He grinned as he leaned over the bar counter. I hesitated to answer because I felt bad to reject him but then again I'm not interested.

"Uhhh" I quickly covered my confused expression by giving him a small smile. "She isn't interested. Sorry mate" Michael said from beside me. Thank god someone spoke up. "And you are ?" Jackson questioned. "I'm her best friend" Michael said proudly as Jackson took a good look at him from head to toe, Jackson sure wouldn't want to mess with Michael by the looks of his physique. "Oh" Jackson said as he had a look of relief on his face. "I thought you were the boyfriend" Jackson chuckled.

I took a sip of my drink as Daniel spoke up,"That would be me." I gulped my drink down so quickly that I felt myself choke. I began to cough as I gave him a look. "Okay then, I should get going. Nice meeting you guys" Jackson said quickly as he ran off. "Boyfriend ? Really ?" I questioned Daniel as I turned to look at him. "Well if Michael wasn't going to do it then I thought I should step in" he started to chuckle. "He seemed nice though" I said as I pursed my lips. "The look on your face said otherwise" Michael laughed which Daniel joined in. "I'd much rather go out with him right now then being with the both of you for the rest of the night" I said sassily. "Oooh that was cold" Daniel said as he looked at me. "I was just being honest" I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Honest my ass" Michael said. "Enough with the talking now, I want to dance but I'm also really hungry" I pouted as I gazed between the both of them. "Same" Daniel agreed. "You know you both aren't that bright as I thought" I said disappointed. "Why ?" Daniel asked worried. "You go out to a club to meet someone for the first time, that too drinking on an empty stomach...are you boys dumb or dumb ?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. "We're men, honey" Michael said as he threw an arm over my shoulder. "I called you both boys for a reason" I said as I raised my brows at him. "Okay then, lets go eat !" Daniel yelled as he rubbed his hands together. "Where do you reckon we could eat ?" Michael asked as he looked between Daniel and I.

"Five Guys !" We both yelled at the same time. "Are you a long lost best friend ?" Daniel asked as he glanced at me. "I believe so but lets get going !" I yelled excitedly as I pulled them both by their wrists out of the club. Daniel led the way once we stepped foot outside the club, he crossed the road to where he had parked his Aston Martin. "Look at this beauty" I said as I admired the car. "Thanks" Daniel said as he got in to the drivers side. "I was talking about the car" I said as I jumped into the backseat and sat in the middle whilst Michael sat in the passenger seat. "The car is mine so you're also talking about me, I'll take the compliment" he smiled as he briefly turned around to look at me.

When Daniel parked off, we jumped off and went inside the restaurant. I just wanted a strawberry milkshake and some fries whilst the boys ordered a hamburger and a chocolate milkshake. "Cheat day I'm guessing ?" I asked as we waited for our food. "Only because you're here, we're supposed to be on a strict diet" Michael said. "Aww you guys are eating because of me, glad I can have an influence on you both" I smiled proudly. Daniel then grabbed our food as we then decided to sit at an empty booth. Both of them sat in front of me whilst I had a whole seat to myself.

"This is the life" I said as I took a sip of my milkshake. "I agree" Daniel said with a stuffed mouth. "Where are your table manners ? Also be careful, you could choke" I said sternly. "Sorry mum" Michael laughed as did Daniel. "You both are going to drive me insane for the next few days" I said as I rolled my eyes. "Don't complain, when you're back home you're going to miss us both" Daniel said after swallowing his food. "I highly doubt it" I faked a laugh. "You have no other friends so who could you possibly have more fun with other than us ?" Michael asked. "Oh please, you guys aren't the only friends I have. I can call Jackson, your mum...omg my mum" I asked daringly as I raised a brow. "Oh my how could I forget ! Her mum is the best. You need to meet her" Michael said. "If you don't invite me over then I'll rock up randomly some day" Daniel chuckled. "Of course I'll invite you, I know my mum would love to have you over" I giggled at the thought of her reaction. "Well now I can't wait to meet her"
He smiled at me.


A/N: A funny chapter filled with fun, sorry for being MIA as I have tests/assignments and events that I had to prepare for but now I'm back. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to vote & comment .xx

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