Chapter 5 - Part 2

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I groaned and got up to make my way downstairs to greet my 'visitor'. This is my de-stress time from work and he's just adding more stress into my life.

I was shocked to hear so much chatter going on in the lounge. Just as I turned the corner into the lounge I spotted my parents seated across from Hero as they were all having a good talk and the surprising part was that they were even laughing. I'm sorry but am I hallucinating ? I furrowed my eyebrows which made my dad look at me. "There she is !" He yelled which made Hero turn around to look at me. He had that signature smirk on his face when he looked at me which sadly always makes my heart melt and I hate that but can't help it.

He got up to stand in front of me, "Hello gorgeous" he said lowly as he then placed a kiss on my cheek. I stiffened as I felt my cheeks flush. "Bold move" I said as I looked up at him. "I take my chances when I get them" he winked. He then turned around to face my parents, "Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N), would you mind if I take your lovely daughter out this evening ?" He said. He knows what he's doing. "Not at all. Have fun !" My mum smiled. I swear my mum is willing to get me with any guy that shows the slightest interest in me but gosh I love her.

"But not too much and be sure to be home before midnight" my dad butted in. I stifled a laugh because some curfew that is. "Of course. It was great catching up with you guys and hopefully I meet you all again soon" he said as he walked over to my dad to shake his hand and then kissed my mums cheek. He is such a charmer. "I'm going to put my shoes on" I said as I then walked away to my room. Hero was then quick to follow me to my bedroom.

I sat at the edge of my bed and slipped on my heels as Hero then belly flopped onto my bed. "Hero !" I shouted, he knows how I hate things being untidy. "Don't worry I know" he rolled his eyes as he leaned on his side. "Your room is nice" he said as he looked around. "Thank you...but now lets cut to the chase, why are you here ?" I asked as I stood in front of him and raised a brow with my arms crossed over my chest. "I was bored and I love your company so I said why not annoy you like before" he wiggled his brows.

So he's just going to ignore the fact that he tried to kiss me last night ? I- okay then. I sighed, "Where are we going ?" I asked. "Anywhere you'd like" he said as he then sat up and looked up at me. "Or your room sounds better" he said as he pulled me to sit on his lap. "Oh my god no" I said as I stood up. I could feel the heat in my cheeks, can he just stop already. "You're no fun" he pouted as he stood up and towered me even whilst I was wearing heels. "I'm not in the mood" I sighed. "I'll get you in the mood" he said as he grinned. My heart skipped a beat. "Don't you dare try anything" I said as I hurriedly grabbed my purse and made my way downstairs.

"We're leaving. Byeee !" I yelled out as I walked outside. I got into the car without waiting for Hero, he was taking his time perhaps greeting my parents. He rushed to the drivers side and then turned to look at me, "What have you done to my parents ?" I asked as I raised a brow. "Why do you say it like that ?" He asked, pretending to be hurt whilst reversing out of the driveway. "Y'all were having a good chat which is a first" I said. "Ouch. Well maybe they like me now" he shrugged. "You wish" I stifled a laugh. "You know you're lucky that I like you" he said as he turned to glance at me for a second. "Wow what an honour" I enthused. He gave me a look before turning back to look at the road. "Now where are we going ?" I asked.

"Well I thought I should treat you tonight by going some place fancy for dinner" he said. "But you took me out literally last night" I tilted. "Yeah well I want to spoil you with every opportunity I get" he said as he caressed my hand. "Aww how sweet...Now keep both hands on the wheel" I said as I moved his hand away from mine and back onto the steering wheel.

Within a few minutes we had arrived at the restaurant, unfamiliar to me but looks like it's new since its pretty busy for a week day. "Well you clearly came here before, did you bring Katherine here behind my back or someone else ?" I asked to annoy him as he just parked the car. He shook his head as he ran around to open the door for me and held his hand out. "You like getting on my nerves" he said as he held my hand and guided me to the entrance. "If I don't then who will ?" I asked as I stared at him waiting for his reaction. "You're the only person who's allowed to and still get away with it" he said. Wow okay then.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝘋. 𝘙𝘪𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘰Where stories live. Discover now