Chapter 3 - Part 3

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"Ohh he's handsome" Michael said as he leaned in to get a better look as Daniel did the same. "I think Michael and I are better looking though" Daniel said in an obvious tone. "Okay then" I said as I looked away.

"Admit it" Daniel smiled. "Why would I need to admit it if you already know it ?" I raised a brow. "Hearing you say it is better" he chuckled. "Right Michael ?" He said. "I agree" Michael nodded his head.

"Fine. You both are better looking than he is...Happy ?" I asked. "Very" Michael said as he turned to look at Daniel. "Actually we will be if you're coming to the race this weekend, what say ?" He wiggled his brows. "Don't know about that yet" I pursed my lips. "Theirs nothing to think about, just come over" he said with ease. "Dan, it's not as easy as you think for me to just come over for a race, my parents are probably sick of hearing me travel to meet up with you guys" I said as I huffed.
"Stop lying" Michael butted in.

"Why would I be lying ?" I furrowed my brows as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Your mum loves us and I'm sure she wouldn't mind at all if you came to Melbourne, well, Perth to stay a few days prior to the race" Daniel winked. "Guys I'm sorry but no can do" I shook my head. "Why ?" Michael whined out. "Are you both forgetting that I have a job ?" I asked in an obvious tone. "Which is not a problem if you left because you have other people who can finish your work for you" Michael answered. He has a point but they ain't going to win this argument.

"Still guys, sorry to be a bummer but maybe for some other race okay ?" I reassured them. They didn't say anything. "Are you guys seriously going to ignore me over something as small as this ?" I asked in disbelief. Still no reply. Just then my notifications went off, I received another message from Hero. Before opening the message, they both seemed to find the road ahead very interesting. "Okay then, bye" I said plainly just before ending the call.

I rolled my eyes as I got up from my seat on the chair to lay back onto the bed with a sigh. Just then a knock was at my door before it opened, my mum peeked in to see me laying on the bed, "Are you okay ?" She asked as she walked over to sit at the edge of the bed beside me. "Fine" I replied uninterested. "What happened ?" She asked concern. "It's stupid so it doesn't matter" I said as I scrolled through my phone. "It matters to me, tell me what happened" she said as she then laid her hand on my arm.

"Daniel and Michael are ignoring me" I said pissed off, perfect timing, Michael is trying to FaceTime me. She glanced over her shoulder to see Michael's name pop up on my screen. "Doesn't seem like it" she stifled a laugh. "Those- ugh idiots are trying to call me back" I said in a stiff tone. She tilted her head to the side in confusion. "Daniel asked me to fly out to Perth to stay a few days before attending the race in Melbourne" I pursed my lips.

"How is that a problem ?" She furrowed her brows. "I told them that I can't go since I have work to do and plus you, and dad will be annoyed that I keep travelling to see them" I left my phone beside me to play with my fingers. "We don't have a problem if you go. Theirs other people that can finish off your work, besides that your father and I will be here so it's fine. You haven't seen them since like New Years, it's March honey" she said as she caressed my arm. "But I'm not in the mood..." I trailed. "You're not telling me something important...your real reason why you don't want to go" she said softly.

I focused my attention on something else, "(Y/N)" she said sternly. "Ugh...the real reason I don't want to go is because I think Jessica is going to be there" I said as I turned to look back at her. "Who's Jessica ?" She asked even more confused than a few minutes ago. "This chick who's allegedly dating Daniel. I don't know her but damn I really don't like her" I scoffed. "And why's that ?" She asked as her lips curled into a smile. "Because I like Daniel !" I confessed as I then grabbed a pillow to block my face.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝘋. 𝘙𝘪𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘰Where stories live. Discover now