Boyle's Hunch Part 5

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"Yep, it's true. He sat in a cage for a month" said Jake, looking at the video of Nick.

"Eww, the bucket checks out" you said.

"This is insane. Anything is art" Jake said. "Here, watch this. A statue of Jesus made out of cigarette butts. Boom, I'm a millionaire."

"That's actually pretty good" said Charles.

"I know. And I could call it 'Holy Smokes.' Should we really do this? No, right? That's crazy; You can't just become an artist out of nowhere" said Jake.

"Jake" you said.

"Yeah?" asked Jake.

"The case" you reminded him.

"Oh, yeah" Jake said.

"So, Nick has an alibi; That's not great. But we have a box of Genevieve's stuff from the gallery. I'm sure there's something in here that will exonerate her" said Charles.

You all began to look through the box.

"Oh, my God. Socks and shoes. This is exactly the type of stuff I own. This is kismet" Charles said excitedly.

"Oh, no, what's this?" asked Jake, picking something up.

You took the paper from him. "It's a receipt for a storage unit that she didn't tell anyone about."

"It's probably nothing" said Charles.

"Yeah" you said.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sure it's nothing. It's totally nothing" said Jake.

"No" Charles said.


Jake and Charles lifted up the door to the storage unit and shone their torches into the storage unit.

"It's a bunch of stolen art" said Jake.

Charles sighed loudly.


Jake walked over to Charles' desk. "Hey, buddy. Sorry about Genevieve."

"It's okay. I'm resigned to my life of solitude. Just me and my five dogs" said Charles.

"Wait, I thought you only had three dogs" you said.

"I just adopted two online right now" Charles said. "Oh, this pitbull hates kids. That's fine; I'll never have any. Add to cart."

"Okay, let me just grab that" said Jake, grabbing Charles' computer mouse and dropping it in the trash. "Listen to me, Charles. You're gonna be fine. There are plenty of women out there. Strong, beautiful, smart women. How about her? She's very beautiful."

Jake pointed at a random women sitting at Scully's desk.

"With my luck, she's probably a car thief" said Charles.

"Don't be ridiculous. Hey, Scully" Jake said.

"Yeah?" asked Scully, looking over.

"What's she in for?" asked Jake.

"Just booked her for elder abuse" answered Scully.

"Elder abuse, that's nice. All right, fine. We shouldn't be doing this at a precinct" Jake said.

"I really thought I was gonna get Genevieve out of prison. Then we'd cover ourselves in paint and make love for twenty five hours, one more hour than her and Nick" said Charles.

"Charles, you would hate that. Your little hummingbird heart would explode" you said.

"I wish I didn't have a heart. I'm off to the cheese shop... And I'm buying the wheel. The cheese wheel" Charles said. 

"Yeah, I got it" said Jake.


The next day

"Getting in a little late there this morning, Boyle" said Jake as Charles walked into the bullpen looking miserable. "Where you been?"

"Cursing out my own shadow for hanging out with a loser like me. Also an eye doctor appointment" said Charles.

"Well, there's something in the holding cell that might cheer you up" said Jake.

Charles looked into the holding cell. "That's Nick's assistant. Why is she here?"

"After you left last night, I was thinking about the twenty four hour sex painting, 'Genevieve 416.' Check out the date on this receipt from the storage locker with the stolen art" said Jake.

"April 16th. 416!" Charles said.

"Exactly. She couldn't have rented this, because she was busy getting busy" Jake said.

"Oh, good one. This is fantastic. I mean, I'm not happy that she was having sex with another man, but I'm okay with it if that's what gets her off" said Charles.

"Do you seriously not hear it, because it almost seems intentional at this point" said Jake.

"Why would Dvora set Genevieve up?" Charles asked.

"Because she's in love with Nick. She used one of those latex casts of Genevieve's hand to get the fingerprints so she could break into the gallery" you said.

"Wow, I can't believe you kept working the case even after I gave up. That was a nice thing to do" said Charles.

"Charles, I didn't do it to be nice. I did it to be amazing. And I think you're a great detective, and I trusted your gut" said Jake.

"Go get your girlfriend out of prison" you said.

"Oh, thanks man" said Charles, hugging y/n and Jake. "Next time you see me, I'm gonna be all out of orgasms."

"No, you can't say that while you're hugging someone" said Jake.

Okay, but I wrote this outside, and it's 27 degrees Celcius.

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