The Swedes Part 1

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"My fellow detectives, ours is not an easy job. The hours are long. The danger is constant. The pay is L-O-L" said Jake to the group of detectives. "But today, a glimmer of hope. For today... A new vending machine."

Jake turned towards the vending machine and pulled the cloth covering it off. Everyone clapped.

"Behold him in all of his glory. So full of strength and promise, and most importantly, sodium, gluten and fat" said Jake.

"Whoo!" said Hitchcock happily.

"The time has finally come to christen the machine. Boyle, the champagne?" Jake said.

"Oh, well, technically it's a Hungarian Pezsgo from the Tarnok Valley" Charles explained.

"For once in your life, don't ruin it. Give him the bottle" Rosa said.

Charles handed Jake the bottle.

"Thank you" said Jake. He held the bottle against the machine. "I hereby christen thee Snacky Chan!"

He smashed the bottle against the machine, and sparks of electricity began to crackle.

"Whoa!" said y/n.

"Okay, well, at least it was just the keypad. None of the snacks got messed" said Jake as smoke began to form.

Suddenly a large fire inside the machine started.

"Go!" said Jake, and the group quickly ran outside of the break room.

The fire alarm began beeping.

"No! It should've been me. It should've been me!" said Scully sadly.

Jake held up a large diamond necklace and said the Swedish name

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Jake held up a large diamond necklace and said the Swedish name. "Just as I suspected immediately."

He put it in the bag Rosa was holding.

"It's a flawless thirty-nine carat diamond that was stolen six weeks ago from the Royal Stockholm Museum" explained Rosa.

"I've just received word from Interpol that two detectives are on their way from Sweden to pick up the suspect. Please make them feel welcome" said Holt.

"Welcome? We're gonna roll out the fricking red carpet. Working a jewel heist with Interpol? This is the best thing that's ever happened to me!" said Jake enthusiastically. He looked at y/n. "Second best."

"Aww" you said, smiling.

Jake held his hand over his mouth and whispered "First best. I was lying to y/n."


Holt walked into the room with the two Swedish detectives. "Peralta, l/n, Diaz. This is Inspector Knausgaard and Deputy Inspector Carlsson. Their flight here was eight hours. It's been a pleasure talking with you about the duration of your flight. Good day."

"Well, there goes my opening question about how long your flight was" said Jake.

"It was eight hours" said Carlsson.

"Yeah, no, I got that. I was joking, sorry. It must has got lost in translation" Jake said.

"No, we understand you perfectly. Everyone in Sweden speaks English" Carlsson said.

"We also speak Norwegian, Dutch, German, French, Russian and Finnish. But not Danish. That is a garbage language for garbage people" said Knausgaard.

"Yes" said Carlsson.

"Well, I have almost memorized 'Gangnam Style' phonetically, so samsies" said Jake.

"I don't know this word. 'Samesies?'" asked Knausgaard.

"From context, I believe it means 'proudly uneducated'" said Carlsson.

"Ah" said Knausgaard.

"So. Where's our prisoner?" Carlsson asked.

"Being processed" you said.

"But, in the meantime, may I offer you some of the finest cuisine in Brooklyn from my favorite restaurant?" asked Jake, holding out some food. "The food cart outside the precinct. It's really good."

"Hmm, none for Soren. He's allergic to lactose, gluten and tomato ketchup" Knausgaard said.

"Also, none for Agneta. She and her husband are trying to have another baby, so she can't eat anything that will alter her cervical pH" Carlsson said.

"Oh" said Jake.

"You guys are real close, huh?" asked Rosa.

"In Sweden, we believe that in order for a proper team to function, partners must be completely open with each other" said Carlsson.

"Yeah, we have no secrets. Not even our bodies. We sauna together all the time" said Knausgaard.

"Yeah, well, we are also very close. One time, Rosa saw me in my bathing suit" Jake said.

"No, I didn't, you told me to turn around" Rosa said.

"Yeah" said Jake awkwardly.

"Well, uh, since we cannot eat your disgusting street food, could you please check if our prisoner has been processed?" asked Knausgaard.

"Yeah, we don't mean to offend, it's just, this place is filthy and you all seem unprofessional" said Carlsson.

"Unprofessional? Well, we were going to take you to our favorite laser tag place, but now, you're officially uninvited" Jake said. "Rosa. Y/n."

Y/n, Jake and Rosa walked around the detectives and into the bullpen.

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