Paranoia Part 1

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Terry walked into the bullpen. "Listen up, everyone. While Captain Holt's out of town at his conference, I'm in charge, which means, Jake, I order you to throw out that gingerbread house. It's from Christmas."

"Fine" said Jake. The squad looked at the falling apart gingerbread house. "But you're leaving a lot of ants without a home."

"Check it out, losers. Guess who got their dealer!" said Pimento enthusiastically as he and Rosa exited the elevator with the dealer.

"Nice! How'd it go down?" asked Jake.

"We chased him through a subway tunnel, back up through a storm drain, Adrian and I got engaged, and then we busted him with a half kilo of coke in his sock" said Rosa as the dealer was put in the holding cell.

"Wait, wait, wait. What'd you just say?" asked Jake.

"It was in his sock" said Pimento. "These dummies, they never think we're gonna check their socks."

"No, before that. The getting engaged part?" asked y/n.

"Oh, yeah, we got engaged" said Rosa calmly.

"Engaged engaged?" said Terry.

"Yeah" said Pimento.

"As in, to be wed?" asked Amy.

"Yeah" said Rosa.

"Seriously?" asked Terry.

"Yeah" said Rosa and Pimento together.

"Amazing! We wants deets!" said Charles happily. "Tell us everything!"

"I don't want to toot my own horn or anything, but it was super romantic" said Pimento.

The dealer sprinted past a metal bin and quickly knocked it over as Rosa and Pimento chased after him. The dealer then climbed through a stack of bins and other rubbish. 

"You follow, I'll cut him off in the alley" said Rosa.

"Okay, wait. You want to get married?" asked Pimento.

"Yep" said Rosa, running off.

Y/n, Rosa, Gina, Charles and Amy were sat in the break room

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Y/n, Rosa, Gina, Charles and Amy were sat in the break room.

"Yes, oh my God, a million times yes. It would be an honor. Oh my God, that's why they call it that" said Charles, his eyes wide with excitement. 

"Great, but I specifically said 'co-maid-of-honor' because I am also asking Amy, Gina and y/n" said Rosa.

Amy smiled enthusiastically at Charles.

"I guess that's okay, if you want to water down your Charles Boyle with a couple of ice cubes" said Charles.

"Count me in as long as I get eight plus-ones" Gina said.

"Why would you need eight plus-ones? That's not how it works - " Y/n sighed.

"Guys, focus. We need to start planning. So when's the wedding?" asked Amy. "Next summer, next fall, next winter?"

"Next week" Rosa said.

"Next week?" said Charles, standing up.

"Next what?" asked Amy, a horrified look on her face. "That is not enough time to plan a bridal shower, an engagement brunch, a papier-mache sculpture of you two kissing."

"Don't worry about that stuff" said Rosa. "The one dumb wedding thing I've always wanted was a bachelorette party."

"Ah, so, cool, cool, cool" Charles said. "All the pressure's on that one event, cool, cool, very cool."

"Super excited for the big night" said Rosa. She picked up her mug and left the break room.

"Well, I'm happy she's excited" said Amy. "I'm not sleeping for the next twenty four hours."

"Amen, sister. Amen" said Charles.


Rosa walked across the bullpen.

"Rosa, we could really use your input on the bachelorette party" said Amy. "See, we all have different ideas and no one is compromising."

Amy glared at Gina.

"I would compromise, but I refuse to not do mine" said Gina.

"Whose idea is best?" asked Rosa.

"Excellent question" said Charles. "Here's a rundown of mine, the 'elevator pitch', if you will. Has this ever happened to you? You show up at a bachelorette party - "

"Ding, the elevator doors closed" said Gina, using her hands to mime the shutting of the elevator doors. "No one can hear you. We cannot hear you. Now before I tell you my idea, are you allergic to dolphins?"

"Why don't we just do all four parties?" suggested Rosa.

"Oh, and then you pick your favorite at the end" said y/n. 

"Sounds good" said Rosa.

"Sounds great" said Amy.

"May the best maid win" said Charles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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