9 Days Part 2

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"So, for the next two weeks, Captain Holt will be on medical leave, which means I am the acting captain" said Terry.

"And we are your royal subjects. Do continue" said Gina.

"I want this precinct to get our normal work done, but also, we're gonna clean out the evidence room, step up community service and complete these twenty-two additional tasks" said Terry, pointing towards the whiteboard which had 'Terry's tasks while Holt is gone' written on it. "Every time we check one off the list, you're gonna hear this bell. It's the sound of victory."

Terry tried to ring the bell, but it broke. Y/n laughed quietly.

"Hmm, you should add 'fix bell' to that list" said Rosa.


Quarantine: Day Five

"Wait a minute. Why'd he just go in the kitchen?. Do we have eyes in the kitchen?" asked Jake, watching the restaurant surveillance tape.

"There are eyes everywhere, man" said Holt.

Jake started typing. "Ow, ow, achy, achy, ow. Look, he slipped the chef a piece of paper. I bet it's the address of his hideout. The chef knows where the hideout is."

 "His name is Richie Lignardi" said Holt, looking through the list of restaurant employees. "We talk to him, we find Garibaldi."

"We have to go right now" said Jake, standing up.

"Go where?" you asked, walking into the room. "Ah! What's on your face?"

"Oh, right, uh, yes, my disgusting deformity. Here, let me just -" said Jake, putting a scarf around his neck. "Hey, what's up, girl? Better?"

"It's not worse" you said.

"We're on our way right now to talk to a lead that knows where Garibaldi's hideout is" Jake said.

"You're quarantined for a reason. You can't go outside spewing mumps like a couple of mump fountains" you said.

"Not like this we can't" said Jake.

A few minutes later, Jake and Holt slowly walked out of the house. They were both wearing large coats, walking boots, hats, face masks, oven gloves and glasses.

"Stop! You can't leave at all" you said, walking out after them.

"Good luck trying to stop us. You'll never catch us!" Jake said.

Y/n walked in front of Jake and Holt, causing them to stop walking.

"Y/n is Usain Bolt" said Jake.

"Is this the piece of paper you're looking for?" you asked, holding up the paper in the surveillance tape.

"You found the address?" asked Holt.

"No, it's a recipe for baked ziti. It was taped to your wall the entire time. You are both delirious and sick, and definitely did not solve the case. Now, get back inside" you said.

"Well, I can't. My legs stopped working" said Jake, and he groaned as he sat down on the bench. "Ah, my testicles. The mumps have reached my testicles."


Jake and Holt sat down on the armchairs and took off their shoes.

"All right, just finish taking off your very bad biohazard suits and rest, maybe sleep a bit" you said.

"Nonsense, l/n. We just have to buckle down and work harder. We simply hit a bump in the road" Holt said.

"More like a mump in the road" Jake said.

Holt and Jake laughed loudly, and then began groaning in pain.

"Amazing joke. Jake, can I talk to you in private for a minute?" you asked.

"Sure thing, let me just snag this, cover up the ol' swell sack" said Jake, reaching for the scarf.

"All right" you said.


"So, here's the deal. I have a high fever, and I can't control my body, but you can do whatever you want to me" said Jake. "Oh, but don't touch my mouth, neck or testicles."

"You've badly misread the situation" you said.

"Oh, thank God" said Jake.

"Jake, you need to drop this case" you said.

"What are you talking about? The plan is working perfectly. Holt hasn't been lonely all week" said Jake.

"Yeah, because he's too busy almost dying. Look at him" you said, pointing to Holt.

Holt was drawing on the window.

"What? He's just 'Beautiful Mind'-ing it. Because he's a genius" said Jake.

"He's writing the word 'case' over and over again" you said. "On, and now he's spelling it with a k."

"Is that not how you spell it?" asked Jake. "Again, I have a mouth, neck and testicle-melting fever."

"Jake. Enough is enough. You need to drop this stupid backburner cold case before you both die or I will kill you" you said.

Y/n walked away from Jake and out of the house.

"Oh, my God, I thought I was following her. Yep, I should probably lie down. Here we go" said Jake, falling to the floor.

Holt looked over and pointed to the window. "Case!"

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