Halloween Part III Part 2

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"Here, got it?" asked Jake.

"Got it" answered Rosa.

Jake and Rosa did a interesting handshake as Amy walked over and y/n watched from her desk.

"Hey, Jake, can we talk?" asked Amy.

"Yeah" said Jake, as Rosa walked off.

"You really hurt my feelings by leaving me off your team" Amy said, awkwardly.

"Oh, I had no idea you felt that way" Jake said.

"You're one of my closest friends, and it doesn't feel great to be left out. I'm sure y/n feels the same way" Amy said, and y/n nodded.

"Right, totally, I get it. I'm sorry..." said Jake, nodding his head. "Captain Holt!"

"What? Why are you yelling at me?" asked Amy, looking around the bullpen, confused.

"Because there's a camera. Nice try, Ray Ray!" shouted Jake.

"There's no camera. I was being serious" Amy said.

"Okay, fine - If you're telling the truth, then I sincerely apologize to both you and y/n for leaving you out. But since you're not, I will defeat you!" Jake said.

Jake walked away, and a witch began to cackle. "Ahh! Gah! Scary witch! Scary, so scary!"

Y/n smiled as Amy walked over. But then, Hitchcock and Scully walked over.

"Hey, don't feel bad. Both of you can get in on my bet with Scully. At midnight tonight, we will steal his foot fungus cream" said Hitchcock.

"Thanks, that's a kind offer, but we'll be okay" you said.

"The mind games have already begun!" said Scully.

"No, I'm not a part of this" you said.

"Oh, of course not. Neither am I. Wink" Hitchcock said.


Terry closed the blinds on the window and door in Holt's office.

"It's go time, Boyle. Holt and Terry have closed the blinds. Release the roaches" said Rosa into a comm on her wrist.

"Alternately, he could win an illegal street race in which my love is the prize" said Gina, describing a way she could meet her next boyfriend.

"Oh, my God! Gina, look! Roaches!" said Charles, roaches falling out of his pants.

Gina screamed and jumped on a chair. "Ew, Charles, kill them with whatever cologne you're wearing."

"No, I can't! They're moving too fast! I can't kill them! It's pandemonium!" said Charles.

"If I die, turn my tweets into a book" Gina said.

In the vents, Jake said "Commence operation 'Oh crap, wrong vent.'"

Jake lowered himself into the observation room looking into the interrogation room and gasped. "Oh crap, wrong vent. This was a mistake."

"Nice try, losers. You blew it" said Gina.

"Yeah, we totally blew it. And all because Boyle marked the wrong vent" Jake said.

Rosa removed the glass in the door leading into the interrogation room and carefully jumped through.

"It's not my fault, I thought that was the right vent" Charles said.

"Unbelievable, mister" Jake said.

"You are, mister" said Charles.

Rosa landed on the floor and jumped up.

"I'm having trouble even believing you at all right now" Jake said, looking around Charles to see what Rosa was doing.

Rosa grabbed a knife and began slicing through the suitcase to get the crown.

"That is the last time I let Charles mark a vent" Jake said.

Rosa grabbed the crown and said "Lock picked."

She turned the suitcase over to make it look like nothing happened.

Rosa showed Jake the crown and jumped out the window, placing the glass back in the door.

"Never, ever, never, ever, never, ever, never, ever, ever, never, ever, will I ever, never, ever, ever, ever forgive you, and goodbye" said Jake.


Y/n knocked on the door to Holt's office. "Sir, may I have a minute?"

"Of course. Jeffords, we'll rendezvous later" said Holt.

Holt and Terry did a secret handshake.

"What is it with everyone and having cool handshakes?" you asked, walking into Holt's office as Terry left.

"I just wanted to talk about Jake" you said.

"Okay - " said Holt, but he was interrupted.

Hitchcock ran into the office. "Y/n! Help! Our foot fungus heist has gone sideways!"

"Hitchcock, can we talk about this later?" you asked.

Hitchcock looked through the blinds. "Scully doesn't know I'm in here. I stole his foot cream, but then I lost it. Y/n, you're the only hope I have of finding it. You're a detective."

"You know, maybe Scully stole it back" you said. "Now get out of here! Go!"

Y/n pushed Hitchcock out the door and walked back to Holt. "Jake really pissed me off earlier, and I want to help you take him down."

"Well, that's an intriguing proposition. You certainly could be useful..." said Holt. "To Jake! I got you, Peralta! You're not fooling anyone!"

"Why does everyone think there is a camera on me or Amy today?" you asked.

"Because camera's gather information, and that's exactly what Peralta needs! That will be all, spy" said Holt.

Holt opened the door for y/n, and you quickly left the room.

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