Halloween Part III Part 3

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Holt looked at his watch. "It's go time, Sergeant."

Terry nodded, and walked out of the office.


Rosa walked out of the restroom.

"Hey, Rosa" said Terry. "I'm not saying these are from your motorcycle, but I found these stripped handlebars outside."

"You better not have messed with my bike for this heist. Let me remind you I'm carrying a weapon" Rosa said, grabbing the handlebars.

"We all have the same weapons" Terry said.

Rosa pulled out a large knife.

"Damn, Rosa! Where'd you get that?" asked Terry.

Rosa walked away angrily, holding up the knife.

Terry whispered into the comm. "The Scorpion has left the nest."

Back at Holt's office.

Holt opened his office window onto the terrace and carefully climbed out. He hid behind a wall, and looked at Jake who was working at his desk. Jake looked up, and Holt quickly moved behind the wall.

Holt moved across to the next wall, causing Jake to look at the window again.

"And, ding" said Holt.

The elevator doors dinged open. Terry's wife, Sharon, was there with Cagney and Lacey. "See Daddy? Come on."

"Time for the twin twist" said Holt.

"Hey, Jake" said Sharon, walking into the bullpen.

"Hey, you guys" Jake said.

"We wanted to surprise Terry, have you seen him?" asked Sharon.

Sharon was dressed as a prisoner, and Cagney and Lacey were dressed as cops.

"Oh, he went downstairs for a bit, but he should be back soon" said Jake.

"Oh, Cagney? Lacey? Do you guys want to take a picture with Uncle Jake?" Sharon asked the twins.

"Yeah!" said Cagney and Lacey.

Sharon laughed. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Um... No, of course not. That would be so much fun" Jake said.

"What if we do it in the briefing room, like you're assigning them a case?" suggested Sharon.

"No, I mean, you know what would be fun, even more than that - is if we took a picture right here, and I could have my hand on this cabinet" Jake said, placing his hand onto the cabinet where the crown was.

"Okay" said Sharon, slightly confused.

Cagney and Lacey went either side of Jake.

Holt jumped through the window.

"Here we go" said Sharon. "Oh, God, it was in video mode. Sorry."

"Take your time, I could do this all day" said Jake.

Holt rolled across the floor to the cabinet with a small drill in his hands and began to remove the screws.

"What if we did one where I had both hands on the cabinet? One on top, and then one on the front" said Jake, placing his other hand on the cabinet.

"Looks good, yeah" Sharon said. "All right, smile. Three, two, one."

Holt removed the back of the cabinet and took the crown.

"Cheese! Very good" said Sharon, taking the picture as Holt stood up with the crown and smiled. "Great, you guys. Let's go find Daddy."


Holt walked into the break room carrying the crown, only to be startled by the cackling witch.

"What's going on?" asked Jake.

Holt looked around nervously and placed the crown into the trash.

Jake walked in. "Aha! What are you doing?" 

"Nothing, just enjoying a taste of my favorite beverage, the soda pop" said Holt, picking up a can of cola.

"Really?" asked Jake. "I have never seen you enjoy a soda pop before."

Holt shrugged.

"Have some now" Jake said.

Holt looked at the cola, and drank from the can. "Ahh. It's delicious."

"I don't buy it. You're making the same face you did when you found a chocolate chip in your trail mix. Something's up. I'm patting you down" Jake said.

Jake began to pat down Holt.

"Damn it, nothing but a surprisingly toned set of abs" Jake said.

"Why would I have the crown, Jake? Isn't it still in the interrogation room?" asked Holt.

"Yes. Yes. Of course. Of course, it's still in there. Welp, I guess I'll see you at midnight" said Jake.

"After" Holt said.

"No, after you" Jake said, gesturing to the door.

"No, after you" said Holt.

"I insist" said Jake.

Jake and Holt both began to walk towards the door, staring at each other. 

The witch began to cackle.

"Ugh" said Jake.


"We have to get that crown back" said Jake to Rosa. "I already changed my email to 'kingjakerulez' with a z. Everyone's going to think I'm an idiot."

"Hello, Peralta" said Holt, walking behind Jake.

"Captain" Jake said, turning around.

"Midnight nears" Holt said.

"Yes, it does" Jake said. "Tick tock."

"Tick tock indeed" said Holt.

"But tick tock for who?" asked Jake.

"You know it's 'for whom.' Don't try to provoke me" said Holt.

"I didn't know that" Jake said.

"I'm going to get that crown back" said Jake and Holt at the same time.

"Wait, what?" asked Holt.

"Will you excuse me for just one moment?" asked Jake.

"Yes, I too need to be excused" Holt said.

Jake turned back to Rosa. "He doesn't have the crown!"

"What? Who has it, then?" asked Rosa.

"I don't know who has it" said Holt.

"What do we do?" asked Terry.

"Pull the security tape. I'll distract them" Jake said.

Rosa nodded and walked/ran away.

Jake turned around to face Holt and Terry.

"Hey, look at this" Jake said. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Holt and Terry looked at each other briefly and quickly ran to get the security tape.

"Damn it, how did that not work?" asked Jake.

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